Friday, February 19, 2010

Planning Ahead

    This is what my day tomorrow should look like. 

  I'm going to wake up, then my grandpa is going to pick me up at 9:00 AM. To go and do my paper route for the first time, he's just going to be showing me the roots, and helping me get to know the people and stuff. Then, I am going to come home and hopefully while my mom is getting ready I can go on the computer quick enough to meet my friend, Edmond on facebook. Go to his blog here. Me and my mom are then going to go to my old house on Musa rd. That is still for sale!! And pack up some of the stuff for the kitchen at this house, and bring it here! And then, since this weekend is tecnically the weekend that I'm supposed to be with my Dad he's going to pick me up from my house when me and my mom are finished with the kitchen stuff. And he's going to bring me to our friend Kaley's house for a sleepover, and then after the sleepover, sunday morning, we have a birthday party to go to. At a little girl's house. I'm going with all my sisters. YIPPEE! But I really need to find somewhere in there to fit in some Math studying, and some French drawing and coloring. Anyways, this post is like really short and boring.. because I kind of ran out of things to say.. which rarely ever happens to me. I'm always running my mouth about a bunch of stupid things! Here's a funny picture to make your day, well, atleast I hope it makes your day! Unless you're Edmond, cause it's hard to top Devin's dance today! HAHA! 


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