Friday, February 12, 2010

Hmm. I think I'm addicted.

So, I pretty much just finished posting my first Blog.. and I don't know, but I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to post Blogs within seconds but, here it goes. I just wanted to say first of all that the little quote things at the top are not just random, I was thinking about doing something like how some gas stations do, and change the quote every day (preferably morning though.) Also, I know I have no followers (except you Eddie) but I'm going to post these anyways, so I guess I'm talking to myself. But the only reason I created this blog was so that in Info Tech next term I already have one, and I don't have to spend a day making one, HAHAHA. As Info Tech is like my favorite class (though I've never taken it before.) And, last... (if there was a grammar corrector on here there would be green all over this page!) I think I'm planning on posting a blog everyday after school about how my day went and the highlights. (unless embarassing! :O) My friend told me that every night before she goes to bed she thinks about her day, and recaps on what the Highlight was, and she thinks about like every part of the day and analyzes it and stuff... I'm not that crazy about it. I usually just remember the highlight of my day. And maybe I'll include a little segment in every blog about what the highlight of that day was!! :) HEHE, it's fun talking to myself! 

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