Monday, February 15, 2010


Well, my last post is pretty embarassing when I read it now, cause there really was no point to it.. So I'm trying to make up for it with this post! :) I'm pretty much just going to say how my day went. It was going awesome actually. I got up, out of bed, got dressed, went to school, then I had fun , laughed all day! And stuff like that, then came mechanics! It is last period of the day this week. And I was a second late. I had both of my feet in the door when the bell rang. And, apparently now I have a detention on Wednesday at 12:00PM when we have lunch. The teacher didn't even give me a warning. I was late once because Mechanics was first period and my sister got me to school late, and another time because I had a late ride also, and apparently this time I got a detention. Like, he didn't even warn me! :@ Anyways, I am bringing a book, it should be all good. that's pretty much how school was. Then, I got home and my mom and my sister took me for dinner to Kelly O'Briens! =) YUMMY! Now, I'm just doing homework and watching the Olympics. Right now it is pairs figure skating. And Canada just finished. They did good, but, I'm not sure I think Italy or Russia is in the lead right now. I'm not sure so don't take my word for it! =) I heard a story about a couple who paid $3000 dollars (that's right I didn't add an extra zero by accident) they actually paid 3000 dollars!! For two tickets. And they were bidding on the internet for them. Who knows if they were phony.. they could have just been a couple pieces of paper. LOL! Anyways, I think I should go START my math homework, as I suck at math. I didn't really have much to share today except that I got my FIRST DETENTION TODAY!! :) LOL, OH! And for lunch I had a pizza bagel (pizza sauce, pepperoni sticks, and melted cheese) also I had a Canada Donut from Tim Hortons, and a Cookie with recess pieces minis in it ! YUM ! Tomorrow should be fun.. except I'll be dreading wednesday because of the DT!! (DT stands for detention) Anyways, I feel like I've wasted another post. So, I'm going to post some info tomorrow. Maybe I'll talk about myself. Like my favorite holidays and stuff! Or something that is actually.. a little bit interesting. With pictures, and links, and INFO! Bye! :D

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