Friday, February 12, 2010

The name, and how it came about!

Well, this being my first blog and all... I thought it would be good to start out with.. well my name first of all, which is obviously Teagan, Hi, Hello! And, second. How the name 'Teagan's Galaxy! =]' came about. Well, I had just started to create my blog and my friend Edmond, who is also a follower of my blog. suggested a couple of ideas such as Teagan's World, Teagan's Star, and Teagan's Planet etcetera etcetera! So I thought.. why not put all of his ideas together and call it TEAGANS GALAXY, and of course the smiley face at the end just makes it all the more fun. This blog site is going to be about.. well about pretty much anything and everything. Which means I don't know a THING and blog, and blogging! :O Well, right now I'll just chat. I'm getting really annoyed that it keeps on underlining my name in red.. hmm! Anyways, I'm not really sure where to take this blog so I'm just gonna wrap it up here!! :) BYEEE! 

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