Monday, February 22, 2010

My Day- Tuesday

Today was kind of boring. I didn't do anything interesting and Math was really boring. I hate Math. I struggle with it a lot, and it doesn't really help that my Math teacher pretty much sucks at teaching. He doesn't even explain things, he just expects us to know stuff because there's some really smart kids in my class, like Edmond. But that's not what matters, what makes me mad is the really smart kids like Simon, and Scott. Who blurt out the answers. And my teacher thinks that automatically everybody understands it. Then he asks us a bunch of practice ones but they answer those ones too. Then, he moves on to another thing! And, I end up not knowing anything. But being frustrated and having five or more pages full of numbers that make no sense to me! URG! Anyways, the days started out like this.

    English: It wasn't too bad. This really annoying guy sat near us today, so I didn't get anything done. And, it wasn't as funny as Friday was, but English is still the only class I look forward to during the day.

   French: I don't like French at all, the teacher is okay. But she gives us worksheets and collects them more than months later, and expects us to remember where they are or have them done! Anyways, French was boring today.. I don't even remember what we did, except for some Mid-Term review junk. Because we're going to be doing our French Mid-Term soon.

   Mechanics: Mechanics was okay, we pretty much just talked the whole time.. and we drained the oil from our engine. (which is a lawn mower) I was the one who had to reach under the lawn mower and unscrew the drain plug to get the oil out.. and it was pretty gross. But I enjoyed finally doing some hands on work.

   Math: As I explained at the beginning, today we just did a bunch of stupid notes that I didn't understand, and tomorrow I have to finish my test that I didn't finish because I don't understand it, I really want to go into Kumon to help me with my Math, but I know what my mom would say "You don't need tutoring, it's only for stupid people..." BLAH BLAH BLAH! But it would be good practice! I'll look into it...

       Anyways, I would write more.. because I want to, but my mom has been getting mad at me and telling me to go to bed since I was writing the French paragraph thinggy! Good Night. I'll post something new tomorrow!

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