Saturday, February 13, 2010


Well, I don't know why I'm talking about the olympics, because I don't know a thing about them... but I'm eating a fortune cookie and the fortune says-- " A pleasant surprise is soon in store for you! " Maybe, I'll be transferred into the Olympics.. given a super secret special power (three S's) And I'll win the GOLDEN MEDAL, or I could buy the bronze medal from them for 3 DOLLARS! Isn't that sad?? :( Someone works years for these stupid (sorry) olympics and they are all happy about getting a medal.. but to make it worse it's THREE BUCKS worth of recycled MATERIAL! SERIOUSLY! And the golden medal is like more than 500 dollars. which is good, but don't you think they should atleast be close in price.. or MAYBE I could be hired as a translator for Maya (whatever that is) See, I can speak it... - pernussia ehg tui ajhjk kimbhr et uyha - If anybody actually knows how to speak that language.. let me know what I just said.. if I did say anything but jibberish! :) I'm watching the olympics tonight and i hope someone di.. NEVERMIND! :D That was meant as a joke! I will also watch Saturday Night Live, it's kind of a tradition when I'm at Lauren's house. Which I am. Right now. At this moment. Right beside her. She is telling me what to say. HELP! :D Anyways, gooood night. And Edmond, if you're reading this I'm sorry I didn't go on facebook at 5:00 like i said I would, because I am at Lauren's house.. And I'll check if you're online right now!! KAAY! BYE! :) <3  -------- more translating ------ GjOhOwDtNnIcGmjHqT -- Edmond, if you see the code in there!! You are smart.. if you don't you are retarded I JOKE I JOKE I KID I KID!! :D Anyways, this whole blog post thinggy that I'm doing right now is kindda loong, and kindda ... not how I pictured it. it was supposed to be short and brief.. But I'm going to post a blog tomorrow after skiing ALL about the olympics, and how I feel about them. Not about code cracking, and translating Malian, or whatever that was!! :P The only thing worth reading in this post.. was probably the fortune cookie!! :D GOOD NIGHT FOR THE LAST TIME!!! Not.. I'm too adrenalized (laurens word) to go away, and I don't want to post this post blog thinggymabober jober lowonger! (word rhyming) and then come back on and post another pointless blog post thinggymabober jober lowonger! (more word rhyming) when I can just put it all together in one sensless blog post thinggy... HAHA did you think I would do it again.. anyways, this is the stupidest blog post thingg... NEVERMIIND, that I have posted in .. well, a couple days because I have only had this thing for a couple of days! :D GOOD BYE AND GOOD RIDDANCE TO YOU ALL!! Whoever reads this which I know is only Edmond and myself.. :P

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