Saturday, February 13, 2010

Busy Bee!

Well, I thought that I would start out with a brief explanation of my weekend.. Today, I got up at 8:00 AM so that I could get to piano on time, being 9:00. Now, I am getting picked up so that I can have a sleepover with my friend and tomorrow morning we are going skiing. Skiing is a really fun activity for me, I really enjoy it. My Dad has taken me a couple times, and I've gone with the school, and some friends here and there. This will be only the second time I've gone this winter.. So I'm not sure how it will go. Mm.. Right now, I'm eating KERNELS BUTTERY POPCORN, which would have been even better if I hadn't added a gallon of Ketchup flavored toppings, or whatever you call those things. I guess the title isn't really appropriate for this blog post, as I'm not really THAT busy.... woops! I forgot. Sunday night I also have a volleyball practice at six. So it's going to be really tight between skiing and volleyball. I don't really want to go to volleyball practice anyways but it would be the second practice that I've missed in the past two weeks. I'll see what happens. Anyways, this draft has been sitting here for a while now, and I'm going to go get ready! Anybody watching the olympics right now ?? I'm watching skiing! well jumping.. whatever that's called!! :) Thanks for reading guys!! :D 

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