Friday, February 19, 2010


 Today was a pretty boring day for me.. Well, nothing out of the ordinary. I had a lot of laughs thanks to Devin and his dancing! Anyways, here is a breakdown of my day today. 

            Highlight of the day-- Devin talking about how much he loves a character in our novel!
            Gym- Badminton tournament, I think I did really good. My gym teacher is really sexist though. She only picks boys to do the demonstrations for everything and she always picks boys to be goalies in all of our mini games! 
            English- Hilarious, I didn't have to do any work because I finished it for homework the night before! Devin was hilarious with his dancing and love fetish for Kate (fictional character in a book.)
                     Math- Horrible, we had a test.. and I did good until it came to GCF and LCM (greatest common factor & least common multiple) I had times tables all over every page.. and i was using my fingers and I think I pretty much got a B. I didn't even finish it though. So, I'm going to be finishing it on Monday!

                    Mechanics- Mechanics was alright. Me and Arshdeep worked some more on servicing our engine which happens to be a lawnmower. So, we spent the whole class cleaning out the underneath. Until it was to our teachers standards. Which meant scraping it out with a metal thing for the whole class! It was almost sparkling by the time we finished-exaggeration-

       Anyways, that is the recap of my day. Not so interesting.. it wasn't too fun. English is the only class during the day that I actually look forward to. It used to be gym, but I lost interest when she decided that girls aren't as good as boys!! :P ! I'm left handed.. I use both sides of my brain to play sports, haha! WAKE UP! Anyways, Bye. 

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