Saturday, February 20, 2010

Another first

        Today, I did my paper route for the first time. Well, not really today but this morning more likely! My grandpa picked me up a little earlier than nine, quarter to nine, and I helped him with one of his many paper routes up in College Heights area. When we were done that we came back down to the area where I live and got started on my paper route. I did most of it and it was really fun. The map that shows me which houses to deliver to is really screwed up though. But I am getting paid for lots that are vacant! And by vacant I mean that there is not even a house on the lots. The lots actually probably don't even exist! Anyways, it was really fun. And I can't wait until there is warmer weather and I can bike ride. The thing I like most about delivering the papers is that I get to walk around and get fresh air.. say 'Good Morning' to some people and smile, but most of all it's my first time and it feels like I'm giving back to the community in some way. It's also really fun doing it with my Grandpa. I have a little over 70 papers to deliver. And I'm going to be delivering them Saturday and Thursday.. Saturday I will probably try to leave the house by 8:45 (quarter to nine), but on Thursday I won't be able to do them until after school. I hope that doesn't upset anybody too much. The bad part of the deal is that I'm leaving next Wednesday at lunch time.. So, I'm not going to be able to do my Thursday or Saturday papers. And, I don't want to have to lay it all on my Grandpa. Because he has already helped me a lot. Such as, getting me the route.. AND helping me today! And Monday he's picking me up to go and sign some stuff down at the Citizen. Anyways, I guess I'll just have to find a replacement.. Or do them ahead of time or something. But I don't think that can be done. I might ask my sister Cortni but I don't think she would do it for me. I'm pretty sure she's leaving next week also. Anyways, I'll find someone to take care of it for me! I hope this post wasn't too boring! BYE! 

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