Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Airborn-Kenneth Oppel

In English we get a book to read, Airborn was the book that we got. I didn't think too highly of it when I first learned that it was about an airship called the Aurora, as I don't take much interest in airships. Although, it could be fun to ride one. Maybe the idea of reading a book about an airship made me nervous. My first thoughts about the book was that it was going to be both olden day-ish, and stingy. I know your not supposed to judge a book by it's cover.. but this is the cover. 
           It doesn't look too bad.. but to me it was unappealing. Pretty much, the first impression was not so good.. Until I opened the book. That musty smell that I love in a book lifted off the pages like a bird from an unlatched cage! But, it gets better. I opened the book to the point of both covers touching, and heard that sound.. of the plastic covering on the outside.. crackling ever so slightly! I love the sound of a used book. And, this book didn't even look used because of the plastic covering.. With me I use my 4 scents in this order... First, I smell. Then, I feel. Next, I listen. Last, I look and observe! 

           Anyways, getting on with it. The book starts out about Matt Cruse, a cabin boy on theAurora he started work on the ship young, right after his father died. He is the only income for his mother, and two sisters (Sylvia, and Isabel) who live in a cramped apartment in Lions gate City (Vancouver). Matt spots an un-charted air balloon one day while working a shift in the crow's nest. They get the gondola abourd the Aurora and the captain is found sprawled on the floor. They think he was having trouble breathing and also suffered from a seizure when he died. Before he died, he spoke to Matt about some beautiful creatures. And mentions something about " Kate would have loved them. "  --- A year later, a late passenger arrives on the airship via orinthopter with a batty old chaperone named Ms.Simpkons. The young passenger is very kind, and curious. Her name is Miss Kate De Vries. And, I will leave it at that. 

                        SPOILERS AHEAD!!!      

          Now, obviously. Kate came back to see what the man had saw. But later in the book we find out that the man in the balloon (Benjamin Molloy) was Kate's grandfather. Kate had come back to learn more about these creatures and prove that her grandfather had not just imagined them. She will not let these creatures go undiscovered.. and she will do anything to get her way! 

                     Hope this post was worth the read! =) 

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