Thursday, April 8, 2010

How I spent my Easter!

First of all, I want to apologize for not posting very much, or anything at all this past weekend. Also known as, Easter long weekend. I'll start at the beginning...

Thursday night I slept at my moms house, my sisters were at my dads. Friday there was no school so I hung out at home, I slept and went on the computer. I slept at my friend Lauren's house on Friday night. I forgot to mention that my papers did not get delivered to my house on Thursday, so I didn't have to deliver them! YAY! :) Me and Lauren had fun, we played on the computer and watched t.v. We had a really yummy dinner also. Saturday afternoon my Dad picked me up, I forget what we did on Saturday though, I think we just watched a movie, then Sunday morning we had an easter egg hunt in the house. Then we went to church with my Dad. After church we picked up my friend Kaley, and went home. We had yet ANOTHER easter egg hunt at home, outside this time, we have a big backyard. Then, we went quading. And rhinoing. You probably don't know what rhinoing is, because quadding is more well-known. Below are pictures of quads and rhinos.


Oh, well I guess I can't post pictures right now, because the blogger posting settings are messed up.. aww! I'll post some tonight. Anyways, I got to drive the rhino and it was really fun. Monday morning there was also no school, and since Kaley slept over we wanted to have fun on Monday. We went for a five hour quad ride all the way to Laurens house. She lives on West Lake.. well, her house is on the beach. Not actually floating on the water. It took us three hours to get there (I drove.) And a little under three hours to get home (Kaley drove.) I think my dad took us on a short cut on the way home because it seemed really short. When we got home it was nearly five o'clock and we had to leave right away, because my sister Brynn had horse-riding lessons. I was supposed to go, but I thought I had a French test the next day (Tuesday.) But apparently it was not on Tuesday, it is today. Next period after Lunch. Today being Thursday. I am not excited for it at all. But after I go to the Mount Robson Trip meeting I am going to study in the library. Anyways, we had lots and lots of chocolate and I still have some left. The guy that my dad rents the house with gave us each 10 dollars for easter. It was cool! He even gave Kaley some. Anyways, I better be going. I have a lot of posts to do when I get home and I have really been slacking. But I don't like doing posts when I can't upload pictures. Maybe Edmond can fix it for me at lunch! :) Anyways, Good-Bye! It's funny, everyone in my Info Tech is playing on the computers (games) right now. As it is free time, and I am blogging. Hmm! And my INFO TECH mark went up! I am so happy. Apparently he made some errors on my mark or something. I had one missing assignment but it didn't send when I had sent it so he updated it, and it went from 80 some percent, to 98.6%! I think. LOL! I know it was in the high 90's anyways. BYE!

            JUST FOR FUN!

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