Monday, April 19, 2010

How I manage my money.

 Money is more important now then it ever has been before. There is more demand for money nowadays. If you're smart you'll save your money, because everybody knows that the demands for money are just rising. They're not nearly at their high point. This post is going to be about.. how I earn, spend, and save.... My Money. 

 First of all, I'm going to tell you about the many ways I earn money. I have a paper route. Which I do every Thursday after school, and every Saturday morning. I do 70 flyers on Thursday and 80 on Saturday. The Thursday papers are thick because they are flyers and paper. Mostly flyers though. With the front page and some around town news. I get paid monthly for delivering papers. They said that they're going to eventually start depositing it in my bank account for me, but for now they're giving me cheques which I like more, because then I know I'm actually getting the money. Since the weather has been getting nicer and nicer everyday, I'm getting excited to put up an iced tea stand. Or maybe a lemonade stand, or maybe both! I want to do it on my lawn, because since our house is new in the area.. people seem curious to know who lives in it. My sisters and I are all going to help our with our stands. My friend did an iced tea stand just two streets down from me with her friend, they had it up for a little under an hour and they got $10.75! They were selling each glass for 50¢, which is pretty good. They would have made 11 dollars, but my sister Nyah wanted their olympic coin.. come to think of it. She has already lost that coin that she wanted so bad! 

 Next I'm going to talk about how I save my money, the only thing to do with money that I'm not good at!

 As I said, I make 80 dollars a month, working for the citizen. I spend that much, if not more per month! It's pretty bad. I went into Pet Land two days ago with my older sister and I ended up spending a little bit over $72.00! It's pretty crazy. My dad has been trying to help me manage my money better, but it's hard when I want so many things. He's been telling me to put 50 dollars in the bank per month, and budgeting myself with only spending 30 dollars a month. This has not worked one month yet! I keep trying though. Maybe I need to get a bigger paper route to help me fulfill all of my material needs. This paragraph was short but that's because I don't save much. 

 Onto the last topic now, how I spend my money! This is what I enjoy doing the most. I spend my money on many things! Some of these things are clothes (rare), dog stuff, food, video games that's pretty much it. But there's a lot of things that I want! I want roller blades, skis... let's just say a lot of things. And all those things happen to cost hundreds of dollars! This paragraph turns out shorter than I would have thought. It's not really all of the things that I spend my money on, because I don't have much of that. It's more what I want to spend my money on! I want a lot of things, that I need to get over.. But a girl wants what a girl wants.

 Anyways, I'd better get going. I hope you enjoyed this post! I wish I could have made it longer and got more into it... but I've got an assignment with a deadline in Info Tech! So I'll talk to you later.

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