Thursday, April 22, 2010


 Another post recommended by Edmond. Enjoy! :) 

 This post is going to be about the language I want to learn, Spanish. I'm going to list a couple main reasons I want to learn the language and what I like about it, also the ways that are helping me to learn it. 

 The main reason I want to learn Spanish is because all my life I've been forced to practice French, it gets pretty boring after a while. I just want a slight change. Try something new. Not too new, too tragic. But a little change. I also want to have different options as I'm growing up. One of these options possibly including moving to Mexico for the summer and living and working in a resort that I recently vacationed at in January. Spanish is an altogether beautiful language. Just the way it sounds when spoken, and the way it's written. It's an interesting language. And I really want to learn more about it. Learning about it would be one thing, but being able to speak it fluently and have an everyday conversation in this language would be amazing. I really wish I could. 

 If I could speak Spanish I would.. well I would brag about it obviously but I would speak it to my friends who can't speak English. I would speak more Spanish than I would English to tell you the truth because, i want Spanish to be my first language but it's not so I just have to learn it all by myself. When I go to PGSS in Grade Ten, I'm hoping to take a Beginner Spanish class. It's only available in Grade ten, but it will be really cool. In the meantime I've been practicing my Spanish Skills online on a website I just recently discovered. I'll do another post about it some other time. I could say a lot more about Spanish but I kind of want to get onto the part where I translate this post into Spanish, and make a list of the words I know in Spanish. 

 This post in another language!
Otro poste recomendado por Edmond. ¡Disfrute de! :)

Este poste estará acerca del idioma que quiero aprender, español. Listaré una pareja principales razones que quiero aprender el idioma y lo que quiero acerca de ello, también las maneras que ayudan mí aprendanlo.

La principal razón que quiero aprender que español es porque toda mi vida que he sido forzado a practicar francés, consigue aburriendo bastante después de un rato. Yo sólo quiero un cambio leve. Trate algo nuevo. No demasiado nuevo, demasiado trágico. Pero un cambio pequeño. Yo también quiero tener opciones diferentes como crezco. Uno de estas opciones posiblemente inclusive mover a México por el verano y viviendo y trabajando en una estación que vacacioné recientemente en en enero. Español es un idioma enteramente hermoso. Justo la manera suena cuando hablado, y la manera que es escrito. Es un idioma interesante. Y quiero realmente aprender más acerca de ello. Aprender acerca de ello sería una cosa, pero pudiendo hablarlo con fluidez y tener una conversación diaria en este idioma estaría asombrando. Deseo realmente que pueda.

Si podría hablar español hago.. bien yo lo me jactaría de obviamente pero yo se lo hablaría a mis amigos que no pueden hablar inglés. Hablaría más español que hago inglés para decirle la verdad porque, deseo que español sea mi lengua materna pero no sea tan acabo de tener que aprenderlo completamente solo. Cuando voy a PGSS en el Grado Diez, espero tomar un Principiante clase española. Está sólo disponible en el Grado diez, pero será realmente frescos. Mientras tanto he estado practicando mis Habilidades españolas en línea en un sitio web yo descubrí últimamente. Haré otro poste acerca de ello en otro momento. Podría decir mucho más acerca de español pero yo clase de quiere conseguir en la parte donde traduzco este poste en español, y hago una lista de las palabras yo sé en español.

 If you were to read all of that out loud to yourself, or just in your head. You would be surprised how quickly you get into the jest of the Spanish language. It sounds really pretty, well maybe that's not the right word. It sounds really amazing! It's just, to me, an unbelievable language. I wish I was born into a Spanish family. Then I could be English and Spanish. 

 There is different types of Spanish, the only ones that I know of are Mexican Spanish. I think there's European.. or something like that. Anyways, that's all I have to say. The only thing is that.. I'm not sure if I want to learn both Spanish AND French. I know more French than I do Spanish. Spanish is just a more interesting language, TO ME. Today, in French, I heard my teacher speaking fluent French to herself. And it sounded beautiful awesome. The only thing is that French only sounds good if you have that nasal voice, and if you can roll your tongue. I'm not very good at the pronunciation in French. I'm not saying I'm any good at Spanish. It's just a little bit easier. BYE! Hope you enjoyed hearing about the language I want to learn. I'll try to do two more posts today. Possibly three, if I have enough time. I'm grounded off of the computer at home.. but I'm at school. So the rules don't apply. Anyways, I better get going so I can give you guys more to read! =) BYE!

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