Saturday, April 17, 2010

Pros and Cons of Prince George

 This post is going to be pros and cons about Prince George. Starting with the Pros. It's not going to be very long. Just short explanations giving my opinions, and a paragraph about what I think could be improved. Enjoy! =) 

- Prince George has great recreational activities and an awesome gym up at the UNBC. Prince George also has another gym called The Y which is a very popular gym. 

- We have great sport teams, and a skate park. The parks around Prince George are all very nice. Some rundown but very traditional with slides and monkey bars. 

- Fort George Park is a tourist attraction, not only because of the amazing sites and views, but because of the historical landmarks and the museum. It's fun for the entire family!

- There is always affordable grocers nearby, with Save on Foods in more than 3 different strip malls, and a newly renovated Wal-Mart Super Centre.

- There is great trails around Cotton Wood Island Park, and lots of room to bike or jog around in downtown Fort George Park. There's always friendly people around!

- It's a small world, you see people you know everyday! No matter where you are. 

- Prince George doesn't have the best air quality, and without good air quality what do you have? 

- We're closing down a lot of schools so there won't be such a broad list of academic schools. As there is now. Click here to get the option to download the complete list of all the schools that will be shutting down for good, or simply reopening as something else.

- There is a lot more crime than there once was. There has been more stabbings and shooting. Robbery is a big crime for Prince George. Especially in the Fort George area. Always, lock everything up for your safety. 

- There is a lot of litter. I never really noticed it until last week. But everywhere you go it's full of litter. It might just be that time of year when the snow has just melted. But we still need to do our part. Try picking bottles and cans around your home, or picking up garbage around your home. Don't Litter! 

- Down Town isn't the best place to go. It's full of drug dealers, hookers etc. As long as you know where to stay you'll be alright. Hopefully, Down Town Prince George will get cleaned up sometime soon. 

- Lots of car accidents, mostly in the winter. With ice, snow storms and what not. But people still aren't the most careful drivers. You just need to look both ways if walking or riding a bike. And if you're driving.. try to be more courteous to other drivers, and pedestrians. 

 That's the end of my Pro's and Con's list. I hope you enjoyed hearing my opinions. Now I'm going to make a list of a few things that I think should be improved. Short and brief.

 - Air Quality. It's a big thing, and action should be taken to improve it.
 - Crime, there's always cops out there. I just don't think they're catching people quick enough. 
 - Down Town, it should be a more welcome area. A tourist attraction. Seriously, building the bridge was a waste of money. There's as much traffic as there always was, and have you heard any of your distant relatives say "Oh! Let's go on a 10 hour drive to see the bridge in Prince George, I hear it's nice and new!" 

 Anyways, that's the end for this post. I hope you enjoyed and I hope it wasn't to short! BYE! 

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