Friday, April 9, 2010

Hot Chocolate and New Ipod.

I am at Glenn's house still, and as I have said before he has a lot of awesome stuff. And for Christmas my sister bought him this awesome coffee maker. Below is a picture of it. 

 It is called a KEURIG and it was purchased at Future Shop, I went with my sister to buy it! It's so cool, you just pull up the little silver handle. Pop in the Kcup, (paper lid still on) And select the size of cup you're using. And it takes like 3 minutes TOPS! It makes white hot chocolate, coffee, normal hot chocolate and all different kinds of cool things!

 This is the KCup carousel, my sister also bought this for Glenn for Christmas. The little cups have a powder in them, and the machine pops a hole in them at the top, so you don't have to throw out the lid. It's so cool! When you are done making your beverage you take out the KCup and throw it away. Easy right? 

 This is the exact KCup I used, well not the one I used.. just the kind I drank. It's really good! :) It told me to put water in it though.. I'm not sure why. So I did.. But I also put some chocolate milk in it. I substituted the milk for chocolate milk! YUM! 

 This is a really small picture of the chocolate milk that I used. Dairyland. YUM! It was gooooood. 

 This is the exact cup I used.. well the same cup, but not the cup that Glenn actually owns. He has plates just like it. And he has the white set too. They're cool to drink out of because you just put your lips in the slightly rounded corners and it's spill proof! 

 Now I'm going to talk about the new (to me) Ipod, that Glenn gave me today. For christmas my sister bought him an Ipod touch, third generation. Pretty much the newest one. Because he had the first generation Ipod, and my sister said it was crappy. And ugly, and stupid. So today I asked if I could have it. He said yes, naturally because he's awesome! And I said that I would buy it from him.. I think I'm going to buy it from him because I feel bad just taking it! Below is a picture of the Ipod he gave me. I LOVE IT! And I can't wait to put music on it! 

  Isn't it cute. It's dead right now. So it won't turn on.. but as soon as I get home I am going to put songs on it and charge it. Maybe I will do it here with my sister because she does her songs here (I'm pretty sure) And she likes good music. Below is Glenn's new Ipod (As of Christmas!) 

 Nice, yes! These pictures are all off of google. I'm not at home. So I don't have my camera and therefore cannot take real pictures of the items. I like taking pictures off google anyways, it doesn't take as long. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this post. I just wanted to do a quick post with a lot of pictures!!! BYE!

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