Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My True Love.

Hello People, as you may know already. Tomorrow is April 1st. I'm excited about this for two reasons.. first of all. I'm pulling a prank on my friend Devin. And second, I get to use my new bus pass for the first time. I'm so excited because I was having to use little coupon things before. That basically just paid the bus fare. But, I needed a new one for every ride. Because you deposit them when you get on the bus. So here is a picture of my new bus pass. With the bus pass you can go wherever you want because it pretty much is worth as many bus rides as you want for all of April. You can get them for every month. But you have to return it and get a new month card every month. That is why I was using coupons. Because you can't get a March card in the middle of the month.. so I was using those until now. Tomorrow is officially my first day without the coupons! IM COUPON FREE! :D Just in time too, I was running out. Anyways this post is going to be about my school supplys. I was hoping to do a 'My Day' post. But I don't have enough steam. And since this post is going to be mostly pictures and short descriptions it is the perfect backup post! Okay, here we go.

Okay, so me and my Dad were supposed to get a tour at Duchess Park Secondary School, you know the new school is all the new rave! So, he got us this appointment with this teacher he knew through some other thing. And the first time we tried going, which was last week she wasn't there (we found out today she was outside, and came in right after we had left.) Today, she was just too busy to squeeze us in. We could have wandered but I want the first time I see it to be a tour. And you guys will get a post about my visit there hopefully. After we found out that we were going to be going back next wednesday for our third attempt at our tour we headed to subway because I was hungry. I tried out new bread that my friend Arshdeep always has and it was really good! It was Italian Herbs and cheese, with only ham, orange cheddar cheese, lettuce and cucumbers. My dad says I like everything so... blah! That's the word he uses. I don't like any sauces or anything. It annoys me when I say no to sauces of any kind and they say "Are you sure, mayo, ranch..." And they list off every flippin' sauce in the store! Anyways, after that we went to Tim Hortons because my dad wanted to get some timbits for my sisters. Then when we got through the drive-thru and I still had not finished my foot long sandwich he said I just had to eat quick before we got home, because he didn't want to make my sisters jealous. We were almost home and he brought up something about needing to go to Staples. I remembered that I needed a couple things from there and I quickly agreed, so we popped a U-ey and headed back over to the direction of Duchess Park School. When we went in Staples our first stop was at a Giant Calculator that caught our eye. My sister Keera has a giant eraser and pencil. So I thought this would be a cool thing to add to her collection. We didn't decided to buy it right away, but eventually we did get it. It was kind of pricey. It ended up costing $20.00! At the end of the post I will add all of the pictures. Then we went and photo-copied all of the stuff that my Dad needed photo-copied, and he bought some plastic covers for them. Then while he was paying for that, I started to look for what I needed. I had a lot of stuff in my hands, but somehow I managed to narrow it down to only buying the items listed below.

-Hard cover notebook
-Sticky pad Page markers
-Pack of sharpies to kick start my collection
-Green .5" binder for Gym class, and next term elective (Metalworks)
-Pink 1" binder for Math. Because my binder at the moment is way too big.
-Decal mechanical pencils
-Refills of 0.7" led. All my pencils are that size
-Five Star 200 page refill paper
-Note Cards for my public speaking (really cool ones)

The picture option is not working for me right now, so I'll have to post pictures tomorrow! Hope you didn't get too bored with this post. Below I will explain the title choice for this post a little bit.

The reason for the title 'My True Love' is that I LOVE picking out school supplies. It's so much fun. I love the idea of new school supplies, to me it symbolizes a new year. I like to get my mom to buy my school supplies really early so I can organize it all perfectly. But this year she bought it all the night before school started! It sucked. I didn't even get to go pick them out with her. Even though she told me I could. Anyways, the whole idea is that I absolutely love school supplies, and it really makes me mad when people disrespect their binders etc. Because somebody had to pay for them. And they ARE expensive. Except at Superstore, they always have really good deals there. Especially about a week after school has already started, that's when Superstore has their big Blowout sales. Such as .99 cents a binder! It's unreal! :D I LOVE SCHOOL SUPPLY SHOPPING!

That's all I have to say for this post. Here is a list of posts to come!

Expect to see soon:
- My pneumonia
- Think Fast
- My April Fools Day
- 20 random word definitions

Soon to be edited:
- My True Love.
- Exceeded Space (not yet published)

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