Friday, April 9, 2010

Morse Code!

 My friend Edmond made a blog post on his blog---> about how cool it would be to know morse code. I decided I'm going to try to learn it. Wouldn't it be cool.. nobody would know what you were talking about if you did it online. I wrote this in morse code.  Well, I cheated. Edmond LOL ;) ! Anyways, below is my morse code message.

.... . .-.. .-.. ---   . -.. -- --- -. -.. --..--   .. .----. --   ... --- .-. .-. -.--   ..   - .... --- ..- --. .... -   -.-- --- ..-   .-- . .-. .   -- .- -.. --..--   .. - .----. ...   .- .-.. .-..   --. --- --- -..   -. --- .--   - .... --- ..- --. .... .-.-.-   ..   .... --- .--. .   -.-- --- ..-   .-.. .. -.- .   - .... .. ...   .--. --- ... - .-.-.-   ..   .... --- .--. .   .-- .   -.-. .- -.   -... .-. . .- -.-   --- ..- .-.   .-. . -.-. --- .-. -..   - --- --- --..--   .- -. -..   .- .-.. ... ---   .. .----. --   --. --- .. -. --.   - ---   - .-. -.--   .- -. -..   -.. ---   --- -. .   --- .-.   - .-- ---   -- --- .-. .   .--. --- ... - ...   - --- -. .. --. .... -   --. --- --- -.. -....- -... -.-- . 

 Try to translate that message Edmond. Anyways, This is a really short post, but I just want to share this picture with you. 

 It's not really a picture, and it's not really that funny. But I love clubpenguin, so I thought I should do this one. It's one of my favorites. My sister Nyah has a clubpenguin comic book. I find myself actually laughing out loud most of the time. I'm going to go now though. BYE! Expect new posts tonight. 

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