Monday, April 26, 2010

Technology Champ.

 Computers, Cell Phones, Gaming Systems, GPS... there's a million electronics in this world. Can you name them all? There's a lot of electronics that you wouldn't think to be electronics.. but they are.

 Everybody also has their favorite electronic. Most would rank their fave electronic device on Efficiency, Usefulness, Looks, Durable.. everything. I rank my favorite electronic device on how efficient and useful it is. I know you can probably see this coming but my favorite electronic is an iPhone. Not only can it be a cell phone, but it's pretty much a computer in your hands, not that it's any different from a blackberry. I don't own an iPhone so I'm not too sure about everything that it can do. I own a blackberry storm, and it can go online also. It's pretty expensive though. So I don't go online. Anyways, iPhones are constantly being updated there's always new apps. I heard something on the radio the other day that if you create and Ipod, or Iphone app, and it's a hit.. you could make a LOT of money. I'm talking like, sometimes people have made millions. Anyways, normally I would say computer. Because they don't cost as much. Except for maintenance, and maybe internet. I'm not sure because I don't pay for my internet. Iphones have internet access everywhere, they fit in the palm of your hand and in your pocket! But they are expensive. 

 The point is that you can have pretty much a two in one with an Iphone.. or Blackberry or just any regular cell phone. Or you can have a computer.. that has all of the normal functions of a computer. Including, Microsoft office, Paint, Limewire. If you had a really HIGH TECH cell phone, then maybe you could be able to program it to function just like a computer. I've heard of a computer phone, in a book I'm reading. I'm not sure if it's actually possible to make such a thing though. So don't take my word for it, even if this such a thing is possible.. can you imagine the cost. Below is a picture that I think qualifies as the most possible 'computer phone.' 

 This post was really quick, not so much to the point though. I just wanted to let you know a few of the benefits of both computers and phones. I hope you still enjoyed. BYE! 

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