Saturday, April 24, 2010

Find your self on Google.

 We've all done it. Some time or another, I know you've tried to Google your name. You probably realized that you get better results if you type in both your First and Last name. You're either really satisfied with the photos that show up, or you hate it. 

 I've done this an un-countable number of times. I guess because I think that maybe the pictures with change. When I did this for the first time, I typed on my first name and this is the picture that I got. 
 Not very appropriate photos if you ask me. I couldn't choose just one, so I decided to just show you the whole monitor screen.

 Next, I tried typing in Teagan Parke.. these are the results that I got. 

 It is kind of scary how I'm on google.. I think it is because of Facebook. Sort of creepy, anyways. I tried typing in 'Teagan Joan Parke' and it didn't really give me anything of importance.. I'll show you anyways. 

  This post was really. Short I just wanted to show you this.. I don't know why. Okay, BYE! :)

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