Tuesday, April 13, 2010

New Keyboard and Oprah.

 I can't remember if I told you or not, but my old keyboard is really sucky. The keys never work. Mainly the vowels. It's really annoying. So, my brother went out and bought us a new keyboard. It's not quite broken in yet, the keys are sort of squishy.. well I don't know how to explain it. Maybe they're sticky.. it sort of takes a little more effort to push the keys down. But I know that once I've gotten used to typing on it, and broken it in. It will be all good. It's a lot better than our old keyboard. Below is a picture of our new keyboard. Not a photograph that I took, as I am in Info Tech. But I got the picture on Google. 

  It might look familiar to you, but most of them are white. This one that we have is black. Anyways, onto the next topic. 

 Oprah Winfrey is an American television host, who has been ranked the richest African American of the 20th century, mostly due to her popular t.v. show. On the side Oprah is also a producer and philanthropist. She was also once considered the only Black Billionaire. Some people say that she is the most influential woman in the world. 

 Anyways, back onto the topic of her t.v. show. On her website, she had a title saying "CALLING ALL TWILIGHT FANS." My sister called me from Glenn's house right away and told me to fill out the form. Basically, it's a way for twilight fans to get on her show. It wasn't exactly questions that you answer, it was more like.. you had to write sort of an entry form. The limit of words was 2000 words. I exceeded the limit, but I erased a bunch after that. I wrote about stuff like....

 How Twilight has impacted my life?
 Why I enjoy the story so much?
 Has the romance in Twilight sparked a romance in your life?
 How you have changed since you've learned about the Twilight saga?

  And there was a few more questions like that listed on the site. There was also one for Justin Bieber fans. But after reading the questions.. about people who have a shrine of him.. I knew I wasn't qualified because I'm not THAT obsessed. My sister wanted me to send in my message thing because she said it was an opportunity for our family to get famous, I know I won't get picked but still, it's worth a try. There's always going to be people who are more obsessed. Anyways I have to go. BYE! 

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