Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Random Pictures of the Day.

 Hey, my friend Edmond--> edmondscenter.blogspot.com usually does a post about his random picture of the day. I decided that today I'm going to do a quick post.. I'm going to be posting a bunch of different pictures and some explanations of each.. explaining why I have chosen them. Here it goes.

  This is a picture of Master Chief also known as Spartan117, he's from Halo. I don't know anything about Halo, but I chose to write about this picture because my friend Devin is addicted and LOVES Halo. He's like.... pretty much, THE MASTER! 

 This is the resort that I stayed at in Mexico, Cancun. It was a wonderful experience. I'm pretty sure that the right one is another resort entirely. We stayed in the one on the left. It was the best time of my life. We didn't have the nicest weather, and didn't get to go snorkeling, or swimming in the ocean. All of the staff there is amazingly friendly! If you're ever thinking of going on a vacation there, then Google ' The Royal Solaris ' Trust me! You will not regret it. 

 This is Lady Gaga. I look up to her, sort of.. I asked my sister Nyah for random ideas of pictures that I could have enough ideas to write about in my blog. Obviously, she was singing a Lady Gaga song, and she said Lady Gaga. I look up to Lady Gaga because she flaunts her fashion. She definitely doesn't follow the crowd like a little devoted puppy dog!

 This is a bike made by the company that made my bike. I'm not sure exactly what kind of bike I have. But I know it's sort of like this. But the strange handle bar things point upwards on my bike. It used to be my Dad's bike. But he gave it to me. 

 Weird enough, when I typed in 'Peugeot' this car, and all these random really nice cars popped up and I thought it was kind of weird how the same brand that makes my bike, makes designer cars. I chose this car out of the many other ones because this one is the nicest one. In my opinion, that is. I think I want this car when I get older. You can barely tell where the front is! It's cool!

 Those are all of the random pictures I wanted to write about today. I hope you enjoyed! BYE!


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