Monday, March 1, 2010

Too Much?

A little bit of something is cool, and by that I mean a little bit of piercings or one or two tatoos, but I got searching and stumbled upon this disgusting picture, and I was intrigued to make a post about it. 

  The woman in this picture has a total of 3902 tattoos and body piercings, for a total weight of over six pounds. 
  Of course, there were (WOAH! Deja vu right there!! of this post and the picture, wow! totally seen this before.. anyways) other photos of people who went insane on piercings but I like how this picture captured the side view and showed the ear. I mean, can you even imagine having all of those things hanging off of your face! YUCK! 

  Some people say over-piercing is really bad for you, and it is. But not only for your health! If you're one of those over-piercing metal heads here's how you know when to stop. -When you're feeling more metal than man/woman... STOP!- and that's that!! Below are a couple examples of too many tattoos! 


  I think that something meaningful being tattooed on your body that you will love forever would be okay, but not something that ends up being completely meaningful such as "I love /insert name here/" when the name you're inserting is some high school girlfriend! Because tattoos are pretty much permanent unless you want to spend a lot of money, and ...nevermind. I don't have a lot of time so if you want to look into tattoo removal check out this link here. Although there are many other sites that you could simply google. Now, below is a picture of a stretched tattoo. This happens a lot and is a real bummer you can read about stretched tattoos and morehere. Unfortunately, I could not find a picture of a stretched tattoo on the internet.. but I found many pictures of woman asking if their tattoos would stretch if they got pregnant.. they posted pictures of their bellies and were asking if it was going to stretch throughout pregnancy, there weren't many answers to their questions.. but here's what I think.. Why would you even get a full body tattoo.. unless it was completely meaningful and you were for sure never going to regret it!! It's kind of something that you have to look into your future to decide upon.. anyways, I really do wish that this post could be longer but I'll be sent to bed here anytime.. so I must be going now! 

  I hope you enjoyed this.. and I hope it wasn't too short or anything.. because even I know it's not the best post as I did not have much time. Good Night! :) 

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