Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Hunger Games and Catching Fire

 I posted this yesterday night but then I realized that I should probably have added in a description of the book for people who may not have read the book and therefore not have been interested in my post and/or found it boring. So here goes. 
---> The Hunger Games is an intriguing novel about 16 year old Katniss Everdeen whose name has been pulled to be a tribute in the Hunger Games. The Hunger Games are a televised reality t.v. show that everybody in the districts is forced to watch. Two tributes (a boy and a girl) from each district are chosen at random to be in the Hunger Games. There is normally only one rule. Kill or be killed. The Hunger Games is an adventurous novel that has you jumping at every corner. Katniss is challenged in all ways thought possible! 

- I hope that summed it up pretty good. I wish I had more time to write more tonight but I don't because I went for dinner with.. well, I think I'll write a post about that and my paper route that I screwed up on tomorrow.
                     *SPOILERS AHEAD*

  As you may know from one of my earlier posts, I started the book 'The Hunger Games' quite some time ago. Even before spring break. And, if you know me well enough you know that I whiz through a single book in normally five days tops. So, when it took me all of spring break plus this week to the the novel I was pretty dissapointed with myself. Ecspecially, when I got to the best parts of the book and I wished I would have sooner. 

 I started reading the book (as I said) before Spring Break, but the reason that I started reading it was because my English teacher Mrs.Gilbert, whom I love, and is my favorite teacher, had just finished reading it and suggested that I get into it. The one thing she didn't inform me of is that it is actually a three part trilogy. I don't really want to talk about my thoughts of the author making it a trilogy until I get there, so here it is. 

 When I first started the book I didn't think I would like it much, or even if I finish it I didn't think that it was the sort of book that I could get into. But, I started it anyways, and at first it was just an on and off silent reading book for school. You know the type, the book that is always in the back of your locker in case of 'emergencies.' Well, I started reading and it wasn't the best. So I put it down for a couple days. But then I started taking up more and more, and I was finally a quarter of the way through the book by the time spring break had started. Spring Break was super busy for me so I didn't really have much time for recreational reading, after Spring Break I got into reading the book hardcore, and I had finished more than 200 pages of the book in less than two days. I told my Dad about the book over the course of those 200 pages, and even he agreed that it didn't sound like the sort of books that I usually pick off the shelf and read myself. But I kept on reading and I was bringing the book to every class and finishing class work as soon as possible just so I could take out the book and read half of a paragraph. Well, that was earlier in the week and by this morning at school I had about 100 pages left. Believe it or not, I had finished that book by the time I got home off of the bus. But keep in mind I also read it all through the school day, and I also read it during Silent Reading in math class. I'm getting off track once again. The book was amazing. Once I got into it, which surprisingly took me a while. The relationship that Katniss and Peeta shared before the games really made for an interesting twist to the games. I always knew though, that they were both going to end up being allys, and believe it or not. As soon as Caesar made that announcement in the sky that lonely night when Katniss has just lost Rue,  I knew what he was going to say about the two ______ (brain fart) of the same district were going to be able to win the games and become victors together. But, I also knew that the Game makers would never have let this happen in a million years. I knew from the beginning that in the end they would make Katniss and Peeta battle it out. I knew it all along. My favorite character in the book has got to be Katniss, though she got on my nerves sometimes, what with all the being so dramatic all the time. Not that this is not a time for drama.. I mean it IS kill or be killed. But during the times that she was yelling at Peeta and getting frustrated with Peeta REALLY ticked me off! Peeta is so innocent and he really does LOVE here. I knew that from the beginning also. You may think that the book was far too predictable for me, but it wasn't. There were times in the book when I stopped and realized that they were dead for sure. Like, when Thresh had that boulder dangling over Katniss' skull. I thought she was a goner and sure enough so would Peeta, if Cato or Thresh didn't get to him, then the blood poisoning would have surely killed him! To be honest I read the last page of the book but it didn't make sense. But to me it did not sound like they were home in District 12. And, when I thought about it, it seemed like they were in heaven and those were just some narrative parts by Katniss Everdeen. At the point in the end where Katniss was in the operating room back in the Capitol it really reminded me of a series I read throughout grade seven that consists of 4 books, and I think I will mention them to my English teacher if she's not busy with another book. Although I am happy and VERY VERY VERY surprised that there is a second AND third book to this trilogy, I think it would have been better if the author (Suzanne Collins) would have just made the first book 'The Hunger Games" longer, and included all of the second and third book. The book dropped me at a bad part, because it hardly finished itself off. And, while I was on the city bus reading today after school I could feel other peoples' eyes on me when I closed the book and gasped! It was so embarassing, my eyes must have been as wide as a black hole, because the man across the bus was looking at me with a very confused grin on his face! Anyways, as soon as I got home I raced to the computer and googled the trilogy, and found out that the second book "Catching Fire" was released on September 1st of 2009. I quickly called my Dad on his cell phone because I knew he was at the mall with my sisters watching the reptile show, and asked him if he could stop at Coles Book Store for me and check if they had the book. So, I gave him the title and author, and sure enough my sister came home with the book. I haven't yet started it because I'm saving it for bed time. And, I'm so excited to tell my English teacher about it. From the front page the book doesn't look AS interesting as the soft cover hunger games that Mrs.Gilbert lent me, and the description on the front-inside cover doesn't sound as good as 'The Hunger Games' I'm sure I'll end up saying I was wrong when I write my next book review. Which will definately be about the second book in 'The Hunger Games Trilogy' ,Catching Fire. Below are pictures of the two books. Hope you enjoyed this post. I would have gone more deep with my review on the first book, but it's past my bed time. And, I want Edmond to read this post before he has to go to bed also, so I don't want to save it for morning. Or it may never get posted. Bye! :) 


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