Wednesday, February 24, 2010

All About Lent

 This is another delayed post that I should have done last week. But, it's pretty much going to be about Lent, which is going on right now, and for those of you who don't know what Lent is.. 

           What is Lent? 
 Lent is a Christian tradition, and it's basically a period leading up to Easter. The traditional purpose of Lent is preparation of the believer -- through prayerpenitencealmsgiving, and self denial. Conventionally, Lent is described as being 40 days long, though differentdenominations calculate the forty days differently. 

        What do the forty days represent? 
 The forty days represent the time that, according to the Bible, (Christian holy book) Jesus spent in the desert before the beginning of his public ministry when he endured temptation by Satan

        Who mainly believes in Lent? 
 Lent is practiced by many religions, including LutheransMethodistsPresbyteriansAnglicans, and Episcopalians

        Fun Fact!
 Lent was also traditionally the term used to describe the period leading up to Christmas, but later the term Advent was officially recognized.

 Some people, or most. Fast during the time of Lent. I don't know the complete details of fasting, but I know that you don't eat for the complete forty days. There is some rules, about the time of the day.. something like you can't eat all day and then you can eat between two times late at night.. if that makes any sense. 

 It is also another tradition to give something up for Lent. We used to do this in my elementary school. And, we would have to give up at least one thing but some people gave up more than one. They urge you to give up things like playing on the computer, playing wii, DS, DSi, yelling.. and stuff like that for forty days. I'm giving up two things this Lent. But so far I've only thought of one thing to give up. And that is my dirty habit of biting my nails!! I know it's really gross. But apparently I did it since I was a baby.. and it's really hard to give up. Apparently, if you do something atleast once a day for a complete month.. it officially becomes a habit. And you have to give up doing that thing for another whole month to get rid of the habit. That's just what I heard from my Mom though. Anyways, I'm at school finishing this blog so I have to go! BYE, and I hope this post wasn't too boring! 

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