Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Excuses, excuses, excuses and my day.

 As you probably have already realized, I have been letting all of my followers down (Edmond.) Because I have just been really busy and not been able to find the time to squeeze in even a tiny blog post. But now that I have sort of day off, aside from homework, I decided it would be the best day to write a post. I'm mostly busy everyday of the week after school, so I don't have much time to make posts. But I'm going to try at making a post everyday AGAIN. But this time if I don't have time I will force myself to at least do a 'My Day' post. Okay, so.. next. I just wanted to have a quick little chat about my friend Edmond's blog. Now, unlike me he normally updates his blog once a day. Sometimes he publishes more than one post in a day. I wish I could be like that. And, his posts are really readable also. They're not boring at all!! I actually choose to read his 'short' posts while I'm brushing my teeth in the morning. Because they normally take me about two minutes if not more. But his 'long' posts take me up to 10 minutes to read most of the time, I choose to read them when I'm eating my breakfast. Or when I have a minute after school so I can actually think about what I'm reading. Enough rambling already, here is a link to get you to his blog-----> Edmond's Center. I feel bad when Edmond tells me that he checks my blog every day because I'm pretty bad for making a post a day. But enough about that. 

 I wanted to do a seperate post of it's own for this particular subject.. but since the above post is pretty short I have decided to link them together, so I'm going back to change the title right now :P !

 So, this morning I took the bus (which reminds me of another post I need to post today) and by bus I mean city bus. the morning bus rides are usually pretty mellow. But who am I to talk this is only my second time taking the morning bus to school. But I couldn't say the same about the after school bus because there's usually a lot of kids trying to get to the mall and home, and adults getting home from work. So the bus ride was good. My first class today was Mechanics. We're just learning some things to kind of tie up the class because we only have a week left until I switch to Info Tech, YAAY! Today was pretty much starting a lesson of it's own just learning about maintenance that you could do to figure out why the engine isn't running but we mostly learned about seperate parts of the engine. Such as compression, fuel, and ignition. I could write more about Mechanics but I don't really want to waste too much space on my least favorite class of the day. The highlights of Mechanics were Arshdeep being late, and Devin getting a detention! HAHA. He was playing with his energy sword again (a broken foldy chair.) Okay, next was break. Nothing interesting happened during break, we sat down while I ate, then we walked in circles some more. Second block of the day was Math. We got some homework today that I didn't finish at lunch because I had some other homework to finish but we'll get to that in a bit. In match we were doing multiplying mixed fractions. I was getting all the answers wrong even though I understood how to do it until I realized that I was not changing the mixed fractions into improper fractions the right way. So that was Math. Then came Lunch, we just sat down and ate and then Chloe, Ashley, and I went to the library to finish coloring the poster that Dalan, and Edmond and me were doing for english. The pencil crayon would NOT sharpen so we were coloring with just one side of it. Chloe ended up coloring with a broken tip that she held underneath two of her nail, it didn't look too comfortable. Third block was English pretty much the only class I look forward to during the day. We just learned about a project that we were assigned today but I forgot the due date of it. I got my Chapter 13-15 questions back for 'Airborn' and I got 15/15 and I also got 5/5 on my reflection of the three chapters and my extra reflection about Chapter 15. Last block of the day was Gym, normally that is my second favorite class of the day (after English) but we're now doing theory work for 3-4 weeks now. It sucks, it's like an exact replica of Grade 4,5, and 6 science!! The only class that I like RE-learning stuff in is Math. Because I didn't get math at all in Grade seven, not that it's any better now. Because my teacher (sorry for only complaining about teachers in my blog Dan!!) is sooo boring, and he doesn't even help me out!! Which brings me to the conclusion of my school day, I caught the bus around 3:30 PM and it took me home. I went to the neighbors for a bit and had a dinner with them. Then, I came home and got on the computer. This post is getting quite long and my sisters are running around screaming like crazy men (people) haha. So I better get going.. too chaotic here. Bye. Hope you enjoyed hearing about my day. And, look forward to my next posts. I will post them tonight!!

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