Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Adventures in InfoTech: Tutorial Time

 Right now we're in Info Tech again! And, as I said I'm going to be doing a post everyday in Info Tech if I can. So to start off, it's tutorial time right now. And I have math homework but I don't feel like doing it. Once again computers are distracting me from do
ing my work. Today in English we had an introduction to Public Speaking and we were given a package to help teach us how to present ourselves and stuff like that. We were also allowed to go on the internet to try and find speech topics that we could write about for our Public Speaking project! I kind of made a list. And narrowed it down although I haven't really made a big enough list yet. Here is what my list looks like right now.

 -History of a potato chip/ paper clip. 


 -Same sex marriage rights


 -Premature Babys

 -What came first. The chicken or the egg?

 -Product Placing

 Anyways, I think I should go now because I kind of want to do make a quick list on whayt kind of posts I should do because there's lots of really good ideas on the internet called "Speech Topics." And they're really good topics. So I think I'm going to go and just start them as drafts right now. I hope this was interesting enough to hold you over until I get home tonight. I only have 3 minutes left in Tutorial. I'll type to you later! BYE! (btw Edmond, music is banned in Info Tech now so I could only listen to Baby like 3 times! LOL) BYEE! 

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