Monday, March 22, 2010

Info Tech and Mystery Gum.

 Today was the day that all of us grade eights, and probably older grades also switched electives. I got to switch to info tech, and everyone told me it would be boring. Most people said that today was the MOST boring day and the rest of the course was pretty much equally boring. So, pretty much nobody really enjoyed Info Tech. But when they explained what they define boring as I was impressed! It actually sounded like fun. All weekend I was pretty much really excited for Monday. Then when it came it turned out that my elective block wasn't until the very end of the day. As soon as I finished Math I was SO excited. My happiness had been building up inside of me ALL day long. Here's everything that we did in Info Tech today. 

 First, Arshdeep, Devin, and I decided where we were going to sit. We chose to sit in view of the teacher but on the left wall.. sounds confusing if you haven't been in the classroom. I sat in the middle with Devin on my left and Arshdeep on my right. Devin made a comment about this seating arrangement later in the class he said "HAHA, look we're an oreo cookie!" Because both Devin and Arshdeep have brown skin.. and I'm very white. I didn't get it, and it took me a while to ask Devin what he meant by this joke.. but then he told me and we couldn't stop laughing! To sum up Info Tech today we laughed a lot and changed the backgrounds on our computers. We sent each other some mail. Arshdeep sent Devin some hate mail! HAHA. It turned out that the mail server was down or something so whenever you sent something it wouldn't show up, it sucked! Devin's background was sSpiderman, and then he changed it to a fat Edward Cullen because mine was Edward Cullen and Arshdeep's was Taylor Lautner. We learned about how to set up Documents, and all our files. And some more useless stuff. Other than that, all I can say is that my first day was a success and Devin was hysterically funny! 

 I thought that I could get away with making this one post by itself but I'm not really in a writing mood. So I'm going to link two of my ideas together. My next topic is the new Stride Mystery Gum which is not yet in stores near us.

 I heard about this new Gum from a commercial, you probably know the one. I'm really excited to get this new gum because I can't wait to name it! I looked  it up on the internet, and saw some names that people called it, just so you know here are some of the most common ones, 

- Citrus 
- Green Apple
- Watermelon 
- Melon
- Grape
- Sprite Soda
- Strawberry Pineapple Ice
- Sour Diesel

 As you can clearly see, most of the names vary between different tropical fruits. Excluding, of course. The last one. Sour Diesel, which surprisingly enough was mentioned on a couple different information websites by different people. My sisters boyfriend works at Save on Foods and he said that he can get me some as soon as they get it in. But obviously people have already tasted it and so I'm jealous!! But I can't wait until I try it! I tried to add a picture of the Gum Package that it comes in but blogger isn't letting me do it for some reason. I'm going to hopefully do another post before bed. Anyways, BYE!! 

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