Sunday, October 10, 2010

Likable Things.

In this post I'm going to show pictures of random things that I like, I'm doing this post mainly because it doesn't include a lot of writing, and my sister loves when I do posts with pictures. I'm also going to write a brief description of the picture and why I like it! Enjoy! 

This is the YouTube logo, I like youtube because I enjoy watching other people's videos, and using youtube to watch and listen to music.

This is a baby grand piano, I chose this picture because I enjoy playing piano. I take piano lessons every second weekend.

This is the Blogger label, the reason I like Blogger is pretty self explainable.. would I be here if I didn't like Blogger?

These are music notes, I chose these music notes because I think they symbolize music, and I love to listen to music. The genre I like the most is Pop, but I enjoy country, and sometimes rap or rock.

This is the facebook logo, I am on facebook daily and it's highly addictive.. I know very few people who don't at least like facebook. I like facebook mainly because it's fun to connect with friends and family who you don't see very often. It's also nice to know what's going on in my friend's and family's lives.

This is a picture of a steak. MMMMM! If you don't know me, then you don't know that I LOVE meat. I'm basically a carnivore. I think I made a post about that though so, yah, I like steak.

This is a picture of a pen and a notebook, I chose this picture to symbolize writing, I love to write, I am currently in English honors :)

I chose this picture because I like laptops, I have a dell laptop that is a piece of crap, please don't get me started. But the main reason I chose vaio is because my brother owned one when he was in high school and ever since that I've really liked them. Even though I've never owned one of my own.

I chose this picture because I love jeans. I hardly wear anything else. Jeans are like.. I don't know, a necessity?

I chose this picture because I love high tops, my favorite brand at the moment is supra. I like this pair because they're cool looking. By the way, my liking of supra has nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that Justin Bieber loves supra ;)

This is the twitter bird, as I like to call him (him?) I like twitter because it is a really fun way to connect with people around the world and it's also a neat way to keep up with current-events around the world. I'll have a post up all about twitter in a little bit.  

This is a picture of some old books, I like books, not only old books, but all kinds of books. There are certain genres that I enjoy more, but books in general are one of my favorite things :) I'm currently reading a series called Maximum Ride by James Patterson, so far, I can't put it down.

And now, last but certainly not least... Justin Bieber. Of course I like Justin Bieber, what teenage girl in this world doesn't. You knew this was coming though, I saved it for the end because it's my favorite thing on this list. In fact, I think I should have called this post Lovable Things, because I love Justin Bieber, anyways, that's enough about him :)

 Well, I hope you enjoyed this short post that was all about things I like, I'll talk to you soon when I write my post all about Twitter. Bye! :)

1 comment:

  1. Haha Teagan your such a loser!
    I should have known you would have posted a picture of you and him somwhere in here!
