Sunday, October 3, 2010

Atlantis vs. Avatar

Have you ever noticed any similarities between the two movies Atlantis and Avatar? Well, the other day I was watching Atlantis and I noticed how Avatar is almost exactly the same EVERYTHING! First, I'll sum up the movie Atlantis, then I'll sum up the movie Avatar, and then I'll compare them. So you can see how alike they are. 

 Atlantis: The Lost Empire-
Atlantis is a American Animated Film that was released in 2001. It was released by Walt Disney Pictures, and is a Sci-Fi film. This movie starts out with a hopeless adventurer, (Milo) who believes in the lost city of Atlantis and wants nothing but to discover it. After being rejected many times he is recruited by friends of his father who was also an adventurist and they go searching for Atlantis with Milo leading them. They find Atlantis, but realize that there is life among the ruins. When the General of their expedition turns greedy he wants nothing but to take their 'life-source' away, which is a giant crystal. Milo refuses to steal the crystal and leave the people to die, so he joins their side and falls in love with the Kings daughter, soon the whole expedition team is on Milo's team except for the General and his accomplice, who he soon tries to kill out of greed. Milo leads his team and the Atlantians on an expedition of their own to kill the General (James), and rescue the crystal. Then they all live happily ever after, Milo stays with the people and becomes leader of the Atlantians alongside his new queen. 

Avatar was an award winning 2009 film. It awed everyone with it's ability to make computer animated characters look unbelievably real. The film is set in 2154, when humans are mining a precious mineral called unobtanium on Pandora, a lush moon of gas giant in the Alpha Centauri star system. The humans use genetically engineered human hybrid bodies (a.k.a Avatars) to interact with the Natives of Pandora. Avatar is about a young man who finally get's his own 'Avatar' and is sent into the world of Pandora. His mission is to gather information and live among the Natives of Pandora. He becomes extremely close when he meets the Princess of Pandora and they fall in love. The leader of the expedition to Pandora gets greedy when he finds out about the Native's life source. A giant tree that is somewhat 'alive.' Every Native living in Pandora is connected to the tree, and it is pretty much their life source. It speaks to them, and they worship it. When the leader of the expedition comes in with gunfire and explosives and takes down their home tree they are forced to flee, and the young man who was in love with the princess flees with them along with a couple members of the humans who turned over to the good side with him. They flee to the 'magic tree' and pray. They soon start a war between the human's and the Natives along with a few members of the humans in their Avatar bodies. They end up winning and the man who was in love with the Princess becomes the King of the Pandorians and rules alongside his newly found Queen and wife. They all live happily ever after. 

 Did those bios seem alike in any way to you? Well, I'm going to point out a couple main points that are very similar between the two movies. 

This is what the people of Atlantis look like, this is Milo and the King's daughter. 
This is what the people of Pandora look like, this is the King's daughter.
The crystal is the big glowing thing behind them, it keeps all of the Atlantians alive.
This is the 'tree of souls' from Avatar. I couldn't find a picture of the whole thing, but you get the idea.
      I don't know what else I can show you pictures of, but from reading the summary of the two movies you get that they're pretty much alike. 

     The maker of this movie said that he had a dream about Avatar as a child and waited for technology to 'catch up to him' before he turned it into a film. I personally think that he had the dream after watching the movie Atlantis. It happens to all of us, at least he got rich out of it.

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