Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Christmas Wishlist.


  1.  For my Mom to let me go to the MMVA's. All expenses paid by moi. 
  2. New iPod (I won't need this if I get a new phone)
  3. New Cell Phone (blackberry torch or iPhone 4)
  4. Justin Bieber's book, First Step 2 Forever.
  6. Money
  7. iPad
  8. Macbook pro
  9. American Eagle Gift Certificate 
  10. True Religion Jeans 
 Here is a legend showing the things I think I have a chance of getting, and things I have no chance of getting (but it would be nice). 

{purple} = Slight chance that it may be considered.
{blue} = Chance of getting.
{red} = No chance, but it would be amazing.
{green} = Absolutely no chance. 
{aqua} = I know there's no chance Mommy, but I would love you forever <3 

 There are things on that list that I want more, and things that I just added because I wanted an even number of things.. I'm going to start by telling you the things I actually want. 

 First of all, the most important thing on that list is for my Mom to give me permission to go to the MMVA's 2011 (I'll be 14) that will be held in Toronto. All expenses paid my me. She's said no many times and it's really starting to sound like a definite answer.. but I'll keep trying. Next, I really want a hoodie buddie, although it is one of the cheapest things on there, I think they're awesome! I think I have enough to say about them that I could give them a post of their own, so I'll save that for later. I really want Justin Bieber's book, First Step 2 Forever (no it is not stupid computer slang that I added the '2' there, I don't do that, that is actually the title of the book) I think I may purchase this book for myself though.. I can't wait! Some things that I added onto the list that I don't really need but want would be, well... everything. I don't NEED anything on this list (except permission to go to the MMVA's) but they would be nice to have. Anyways, the only thing on this list that would be of little use to me is the iPad. The only way I would buy an iPad is if I had at least 2,000 dollars in my bank account. Then, and only then, would I consider purchasing an iPad. 

 Here are some pictures of some of the items on my wishlist.... (I'm only including this part because my sister Brynn only enjoys my posts if there are pictures in them) 
This is a picture of Justin Bieber at this years (2010) MMVA's. He performed his hit single Baby, and joined Miley Cyrus in her performance of Party in the USA. By the way, this picture symbolizes the MMVA's.
This is a picture of the new shuffle. I know it's small, but this is the kind of iPod that I want :)

This is a comparison of the new Blackberry Torch and the iPhone 4. I'm not sure which one I want. Because there are pros and cons to each.. maybe I'll do a post about that.

This is the cover of Justin's (yes, we're on a first name basis) book cover, for his book First Step 2 Forever: My Story. My friend on Twitter has this book and she showed me some of the pages, and I can't wait to read it :)

This is a Hoodie Buddie, I'll explain more about them in my next post. But long explanation short, they're pretty much the coolest invention since the computer.

This is a picture of a 20 dollar bill. If I was getting money for Christmas this is what I see myself getting.

This is an iPad... they're cool. And I would be addicted to mine if I had one. But I don't WANT WANT one :P Do you get it? LOL!

This is a Macbook Pro, I really want one. This is what I want my next laptop to be, because they're amazing.

This is a gift card for American Eagle. I love American Eagle, nuff' said.

These are true religion jeans, I'm in love with them. And I really want some, but they're VERY expensive...

 Well, that's pretty much my Christmas Wish List. I think this post was waaaaay too long, but the pictures take up a lot of room, see you next time. BYE! :) OH! And one more thing I forgot to add to the list is this little contraption ... 

I think these are just the coolest things, you download books onto them and you can basically take them wherever you want. I saw one at a local drugstore a couple days ago (it was the pink one) and I fell in love. But honestly, I think the price is a little much. I still think it would be cool to have :) It's about the size of an iPad, maybe a little narrower, but you get the idea.


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