Friday, May 7, 2010


 Today was the official first day of Metalworks, I actually quite enjoyed it. Not as much as I would have liked to be in Info Tech at the time.. but I enjoyed it.. I'm going to leave it at that. 

 Metalworks seems like it's going to be an exciting course to take, it's just the quizzes and learning to use the machinery that is going to be the hard part for me, which is inconvenient because that is mostly ALL of the metalworks 8 curriculum. I think that all of the projects involved with Metalworks sound fun, it's great that you get a variety of different projects to choose from. I've heard that some people have created their own projects that they found interesting. I'm thinking of making a skier out of metal, that's what my friend Chloe did. It's really quite cool. And, I'm a skier myself, so I think it would make sense for me to have one.. maybe I could keep it with my skis and other equipment. I think that would look nice. 

 I've been thinking that Metalworks won't be as much of a downer as I previously thought it would be. I'm starting to realize that it can be fun if you make it fun. That's not always the case with other classes though. The better the teacher, the more fun and the more interesting the class will be. Mr.Borden, my Metalworks teacher also taught me Woodworks, it was very fun. He is an excellent teacher. This gives me the good impression that he's going to make the class fun. I'm also going on the school hike with Mr.Borden as one of the teachers that's going to be coming along. This is going to be fun also. Except for the fact that I'm going to be hiking alone.. and tenting alone. This is okay though, because I've got some other friends that have offered to let me hike with them. I'm not two bummed about this now. 

 This post was really short, I just wanted to let you know how I've been feeling about Metalworks now that I've actually gotten into the class. I'd tell you exactly how the day in Metalworks went, but we kind of just chilled. We played checkers, and cards.. we chatted, and doodled. It was really quite fun. I attempted to help Mr.Borden crop an image that he had received by e-mail but his computer was just too ancient for me! He said that Monday we're going to actually do something though, I'm guessing it's going to be along the lines of writing out class expectations and all that jazz! I hope you enjoyed this post. And I'll talk to you tomorrow. Adios! 

 P.S. have you noticed that I've been ending all of my posts with 'Adios' lately.. it's a newly acquired habit of mine. I guess because of this new dream of mine to elope to mexico when I get older.. but that's another post ;) BYE!


  1. I hope you have fun at Metalworks, because you know so many fun people! Sorry for this short comment, but I wish you have a great time in Metalworks, Adios! (haha jk)

  2. HAHA, well thanks for the comment. I hope that Metalworks is fun too. I don't have many doubts though because Mr.Borden is a great teacher.
