Friday, May 7, 2010


 In Info Tech, my teacher showed us some sort of commercial where he talked about Google Chrome a lot, I must have been mistaken because I thought that he said that there was a Google Chrome update. Anyways, I figured out that there is not an update. I found this out the hard way.. I searched all over trying to find this so-called 'update.' Finally, the deal breaker was on Google.

 I type in ' Is there an update for Google Chrome? ' This is the page it brought me to...

 I clicked on the link that would show me the add-ons for Google Chrome. I found an interesting one called 'Blog-This' I decided to try it out.. this is what the description of it said. 

Post to Blogger with just one click

This extension adds a Blog This! button to the toolbar that you can click to create a new Blogger post. The new post is pre-populated with a link to the web page you're on, as well as any text you've highlighted on that page. Edit the post to your liking and post it instantly to your blog! Learn more about Blogger.

 I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to do with it.. I click on it and this is what is shows me. 

 It's like an instant post machine.. well, that's what I'm calling it. I hope you try this Google Chrome add-on out. You don't even have to open up blogger to post! Very cool! I'm liking it.. even though I'm not using it at the moment. One more thing I just want to quickly throw in here.. why does Blogger not have a word count, and is there a way I can get on for when I editing and creating posts? I know Edublogs has a word count, and I should have mentioned this in my Edublogs vs. Blogger post.. but I forgot to. So here it is. Does anybody know? Maybe there already is one, I just can't find it. Okay, that's it. I hope you enjoyed this litte mini, itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny add-on review! ADIOS! =) 

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