Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Hike Through the Woods.

 As a project at school, we were assigned six different types of paragraphs to write. I wrote all six of mine last night, and they turned out a little bit longer than a paragraph. But I decided to share them with you guys because I haven't showed them to anybody and this one was my favorite. It's not too great because I was pretty tired, and just wanted to get to bed. But this is going to be a descriptive paragraph. The topics that she gave us to choose from were The Beach on a Sunny Day, The Beach on a Rainy Day, and a Hike Through the Woods. I decided to choose the last one because I had some ideas about how to explain the scenery really well. I hope you enjoy! :) 


 A hike through the woods can be an amazing thing, there's trees, and calm waters, and relaxing sounds all around. But within an instant all of that can change, and you can be walking around in a death trap!

 While walking through the woods you see a lot of amazing sights. The enormous trees, and the green grass spreading for miles, only stopping when it reaches the blue/green of the vibrantly colored lakes and streams.You stop at a nearby stream to fill up your empty water bottle. Your feet slip and slide as you near the bend of the stream and you almost trip but catch yourself midway fall. You bend down and start to fill up your water bottle that has been dry as bones for the past two kilometers. You're just standing up when you feel like something is watching you, you've been having this feeling for a while now. But this time it's stronger then ever. You turn around so quick you could have given yourself whip lash, and scan the perimeter. Nothing. You're a little bit creeped out but you decide to tread on, and not linger. You've been walking for what seems like hours because of the feeling of being stalked, when in reality it's only been twenty minutes. You decide to stop and sit on an old mossy log because you're starting to feel dizzy. As soon as you get comfy on the log you see something black as night in the bushes just across the path from you. You freeze, almost instantly. You know what it is.. Suddenly all of the feelings of being stalked come back to you and you start to wonder how you could have been so stupid. This animal is known for stalking it's prey, and when it finally attacks.. there's no chance that you're going to live. You stand up and bolt, you left your pack behind, there's nothing important in it. You feel as if you're running a marathon, you've never ran so fast in your life. You don't care to look back, it might frighten you so much that you'll have a heart attack and be unable to run. You can't take it any more, the suspension on whether or not the creature is closing in on you, you turn around and... there's nothing there. You calm down and start running at a more normal pace, but before you have even started to run, you're frozen in your tracks, because there it is. Right in front of you, the monstrous, furry, black, snarling, ten foot tall creature. And you can't do anything, but scream for your life. 

 What do you think? If there's anything you think I should change then comment below because I need these marks in order to get recommended for English 8. Anyways, I'm off to school now. Thanks for reading.

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