Saturday, October 30, 2010


 Last night I had a really long, and kind of weird dream. I know where some of the ideas in my dream came from but not all of them. So, I'm going to type out my dream in the shortest and least complicated version as possible, and you tell me what you think. As soon as I woke up I decided to write my dream in my diary, so I'm reading it out of there right now. I might do some more posts like this if you find it interesting. Anyways, here it goes.

 Basically, I'm a human avian hybrid, which means that I have two GIGANTIC wings but they fold up neatly on my back. (see picture below)

  Anyways, we were out at our lake house or something and we had company over but the weirdest part was that my dad was my math teacher in real life! So, we were all swimming around and then I think it was Elle (Nyah's friend) who came and asked me for a ride. So, I lifted her into my arms and I remember it was actually kind of hard to take off because I hadn't exactly mastered the folding and unfolding of my wings yet. Once I got up in the air it was amazing! So amazing in fast, that I didn't realize I had dropped Elle, I remember panicking like mad and then looking down to see her flailing madly down towards earth. I tilted my body and sped down as fast as I could to grab her, I caught her just in time. And then, I remember realizing that we were in an area that looked like desert. I then looked up to find a helicopter lowering a HUGE elephant to the ground, the elephant was in a tiny little cage though, it broke my heart. Just as I was wishing the elephant would get out of the cage, the top of the cage lifted away and the elephant was free. It charged after three men who must have been in charge of everything and rammed them into their very old fashioned trailer. (see picture below)

  Suddenly the elephant was charging at me and Elle , so I wish Elle home, but once the elephant got to me it immediately halted, spraying dirt and sand into the air around us. It was like the elephant was talking to me.. but it's mouth wasn't moving so I assumed that it was communicating to me through our minds. It turned around so that's it's back end was facing me and then I started hearing orders of how to get on the elephant's back. I remember he told me to take a running head start on the rock, and leap on his back while he was speeding in the other direction. We tried a couple times and I kept falling and hurting myself, but I healed fast so that was no problem. But then the elephant, who I found out was a boy, was getting really annoyed with me that I kept sliding off when he ran. Then we flew to the pool where my friends Hunter and Anthony were and we were there for a short time because I remember going into a resteraunt or something and then flying out, then I went home (not the lake home) and the three men from the desert were there (I didn't have the elephant with me anymore) and they were fighting my family, I don't know if they were robbers or wanted me but we managed to knock out two of them, but there was one left and my dad (math teacher) kept saying not to worry about it because he left, but I knew he was lurking somewhere in the house. Then, after living normally for a couple days and flying a lot I found him behind a corner one day and I remember something REALLY tragic happened and I woke up crying... 

 Well, I hope you enjoyed that weird dream.. now I'm going to explain where some of the ideas in that dream may have come from..

 First of all, the whole human avian hybrid thing came from a book series that I have been reading, I have finished the first three books but there are still four or three more, anyways, the series is called Maximum Ride. Obviously the math teacher as my dad thing came from many weird thoughts that I'm not even going to get into.. LOL! The whole thing about my little sister's friend Elle being my sister probably came from last night at the Halloween dance.. I was hanging out with her a lot. I have no idea where the elephant came from but the whole mind reading power thing also came from the book series.. that's about all of the explaining that I can do. I think the most random thing is the elephant. Weird, eh? Anyways, let me know if you like these kinds of posts and I'll do more. BYE :) !

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