Saturday, November 6, 2010

25 Random Facts

  1. I hate potatoes and I don't know why, but if I try to eat them I gag, unless of course they're deep fried OR baked and drenched in salt and vinegar. 
  2. There's a boy in my class who has the same birthDAY as me.
  3.  I don't think I've EVER gotten an A in gym class... EVER!
   5. My bieber obsession started when I clicked his 'follow' button
   6. I've had obsessions with Polly Pockets, Barbies, Tamagotchis, Webkinz, High School Musical, Sweeney Todd, Bratz, Twilight, and now Justin Bieber.

   7. I keep a diary but I only write in it when I'm REALLY angry or REALLY sad.
   8. I used to have a crush on a country singer named Dierks Bentley, after watching his music video for his song 'What was I thinkin?' and my older sister would tease me about it and I would deny it.

   9. I can make myself cry on the spot.

 10. I HATE oral presentations, my face gets red no matter how hard I try!

 11. One time in Grade 5, I got a C- on a science project and I pretty much cried in front of the entire class... but that's a decent mark considering I made it that morning and it was a chunk of styrofoam spray painted orange with a plastic spoon stuck into the top... I called it a catapult!

 12. One day I want to invent dorito flavored taco shells... I would make millions.

 13. I get a new calendar every Christmas and I always love it and then find it when the year is over.

 14. If you search my name on Google, images or web, it comes up with almost two pages of results... freaky!

 15. I skipped number 4... did you notice?

 16. In Grade 7 I got the entire class in trouble because I was reading 'New Moon' under my desk while the teach was talking.

 17. I enjoyed elementary school more than I currently do High School.

 18. While reading 'My Sister's Keeper,' during class the teacher was lecturing and I had just finished the book and I started crying and all of the boys made fun of me, and half of the girls said I was doing it for attention.

 19. I've never actually finished a Harry Potter book that I've started, but I've see all of the movies.

 20. I haven't finished unpacking my suitcase that I took to Winnipeg for the Justin Bieber concert on September 13th.

 21. Sometimes, when I'm at school or home I imagine that I'm on a reality T.V. show and I do all of the editing in my head so that it's just like a real t.v. show like Kate plus 8, or something.

 22. At my elementary school we wore uniforms and honestly, I miss them.
 23. I'm jealous of Caitlin Beadles' hair... who isn't?

 24. If I was a boy, my Mom was still going to name me Teagan, but the other option if I was a boy or girl was the name Tristan. Personally, I like that name better.

 25. I used to read a book while I walked to the bus stop now I text while I walk.

 26. I don't like odd numbers, so I'm going to keep going. 

 27. I make wishes at 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 5:55, and 11:11. But NEVER 4:44!

 28. I dind't know that JFK was John F. (Franklin) Kennedy until a couple days ago.

 29. Recently I have been seriously considering cutting my hair should length...

 30. My nickname in Elementary School was 'Walking Dictionary,' and one more fact... I love Justin Bieber.

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