Monday, July 12, 2010

Throughout the Years.

 I was looking over all of my old posts tonight, well I guess it's this morning because it's 2:45 AM, and I thought.. "I did a 'how the years change us' post and now I think I should do a 'throughout the years' post." This is basically going to be a picture post. It's not going to be in perfect order. But I'll try to find pictures from way back when. The first one is a picture that you've all seen before.. so here we go :) 

 Me as a baby, I'm not sure how old I was, but it's the youngest picture that I could find of me. I'm sitting on my mom's lap, and she's keeping me tame with some baby food in a plastic cup. 

 Unfortunately, this is the next youngest photo that I can find of myself. I'm not sure how old I was. I'm guessing I was in Grade Four though.. maybe Three. I honestly don't know. 

 I'm pretty sure Keera was going into Grade One in this picture, so I was in Grade Five.

 I'm guessing I was in Grade Six in this picture because me and Brynn were sharing a room, and I had my Zac Efron necklace on. I also still had my blonde streaks. 

 This was Halloween of 2007, so I was in Grade 5 here. I'm either dressed as a Geisha, or Mulan. I don't remember. 

 This was Halloween of 2008. I was in Grade Six here, and I'm dressed as a 70's retro girl, or something like that. 

 This is SUPER small, but I was in Grade Seven, I'm pretty sure. Late Grade Six or early Grade Seven. 

 This is the first latest picture. This was 2010 at my sister's wedding. I'm in the grey dress. My nephew, Kihei, is in the middle. And Brynn is on the right. I was 13 in this picture. I was in Grade Eight. 

 This is a picture of me on the Mount Robson trip. We were coming home on the bus here. This was 2010. I was in Grade Eight. I was 13 years old.

 I hope you liked seeing me 'Throughout the Years.' It just felt like a quick and fun post to do. You should do one too :) I'll try to get together better pictures, one for each of my 13 years on earth! I'll talk to you in my next post. But until then, Bye! :) 

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