Wednesday, July 14, 2010

They come in tens.

Last night I got sent to bed early because apparently I've been staying up too late. So I went to bed around 11:37 PM, and I wrote a bunch of blog posts. I might not use most of them but I decided that I would do these ones for fun. I stayed up until at least 3 AM making blog posts and drawing. So here goes, I am going to be giving you my top ten wishes, and my top ten realistic wishes. Ready? Don't judge. Haha.

 Ten Wishes.
  1. My parents never got divorced.
  2. Dad never quit.
  3. I was dating Justin Bieber.
  4. I looked like Jasmine Villegas.
  5. I was gorgeous (like Jasmine Villegas.)
  6. No more sinning or swearing in the world.
  7. I lived in our old house on Brodman.
  8. Our family was famous (reality show?) 
  9. No more starvation in the world.
  10. No more pollution, no more cars.

 Ten Wishes. (realistic version)
  1. Grow up.
  2. Get rich.
  3. Fall in Love.
  4. Get married.
  5. Travel Lots.
  6. Choose country to live in.
  7. Build a big house.
  8. Have a baby.
  9. Live Happily ever after.
  10. Never ever, EVER, EVER, EVER GET A DIVORCE!!!!!!
 Okay, so maybe that isn't the most realistic wish list, and it's not really a wish list. It's more of an unattainable/dream list. Oh well, it's good to set your standards high. I think. 

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