Saturday, November 27, 2010

Happy Birthday!

 As you do not know. My birthday was today! November 27th, 1996. Well, that was my actual birthDAY! We're now in the year of 2010, fourteen years later.. wow! Anyways, this post isn't going to be reflecting on my life or anything like that, it's just going to be me showing you the gifts that I got from my family and friends. Alright, so here we go. 

I bought this for myself, it doesn't really count, and it's not finished in this picture but I love it <3

This is a picture of the card my Dad gave to me, and the book that my sister got me!!

The book again ;)

My sister got me this shirt, I love it!

She also got me this tank top.

And this blue shirt :)

But this is my absolute favorite!

My Mom bought me this shirt :)

And this one.

And again, I bought this for myself since I have ran out of books to read!

My friend Ashley gave me this little envelope that I think is cool. She got it from the Chinese Store and she put money in it for me :)

I just thought I'd share this beauty! ;)

AND MY MOM GOT ME THIS! I'M SO EXCITED TO USE IT ON MONDAY! AAAAHH! If you remember, it's from my Christmas Wish list post. I don't know how she snuck this by me because according to my sister's it came in the mail a month ago, but I was too busy on the computer that I didn't hear the mail guy! CRAZY! HAHAH!

Just a close up :)

And another :)

Another picture...

And this last one. :) 

 Well, I hope you enjoyed this post :) I also got money from friends and family but I didn't feel like taking a picture and boasting about it. My dad also gave me these two visas that are awesome! I can shop online! I've never done it before so it's going to be so much fun! I was going to post a picture but then I realized how stupid that is because in order to use a visa you just type in the number on the front and someone could easily have gotten that from the picture... wow I'm dumb! Lucky I caught that mistake. Anyways, thanks for reading :) See you in my next post! :) 

 OH YAH! One more thing, I also bought myself Justin Bieber's new My Worlds Acoustic Album feat. PRAY! HIS NEW SONG! I've been listening to it for the past two days. I love it! Alright, that is all. Good Night :) 

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