Monday, June 14, 2010

iPhone 4

 Apple has released some very high-tech gadgets recently. Including the iPhone 3GS, and the iPad. Apple is known for it's sleek and innovative technology. The iPad was very successful and many people purchased it, but we all have opinions and some people didn't think too fond of it. They said that it was just a touch screen laptop. They said that a laptop could do anything that it could do, which is true, but the iPad does it in a more hip and fashionable way. If you haven't already heard Apple has released their newest addition.... The iPhone 4. It has many new features and is very functional, and the release date is creeping up on us as we know it. The release date is said to be July 2010. Below I am going to talk about some of the features of the iPhone 4.

 Face Time.

Face Time is a new feature that allows you to video chat. It's not just a video chat though, it's a video call. We've been dreaming about video calling for decades, and we never thought it would be possible.. at least not this soon. But the iPhone 4 makes our dream a reality with Face Time. It's simple too, with just the tap of a button you can be seeing eye-to-eye with your best friend whose travelling Morocco while you're stuck at home with a cold in Canada! It's just that amazing. Now, obviously it's only from iPhone 4 to iPhone 4, but that's still amazing... impressed yet?

 Two Views.

 The iPhone 4, alike the Dsi and DsiXL has two cameras, and that means two views. You can easily switch between the two views by just tapping a button. The camera on the front focuses on you, and the camera on the back focuses on.. well, pretty much everything else! You can also switch back and forth between these two cameras during video call. 

 Retina Display.

 The retina display on the iPhone 4 is better than any type of technology before itself. It has four times the pixel count of any other iPhone before itself also. In fact, the pixel density is so high that the human eye is unable to distinguish individual pixels. Which makes text amazingly crisp and pristine. Just imagine how sharp your images and pictures will be to look at.

 Camera with LED Flash.

 Blackberrys and other cell phones have this LED Flash feature, and it's very handy if you're trying to snap a photo of the night sky, or yourself on a cold winter night. The camera is a 5-Megapixel camera which makes your photos turn out bright and purified. 


 The iPhone 4 phone app has a built-in noise suppression which makes phone calls clearer and easier to hear. 


 Safari is the most advanced web browser on a mobile phone. 

  Well, that's about all I have to say I just wanted to introduce you to the iPhone 4. Above is a picture of what Face Time (video calling) looks like on the iPhone 4. Also, as you can tell I only mentioned a couple  of the features of the iPhone 4. There plenty more to learn on the apple website, which I will post a link to below. 

 Find out more about the iPhone 4 at
 Interested in the iPhone 4? The release date is said to be July 2010, get ready!

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