It is said that certain signs are attracted to eachother, and there's certain lucky and unlucky days for each sign. Now, I don't know too much about zodiac signs... but I know enough to know that there is such thing. It is believed that forces of the universe bring certain signs together, for example the Sagittarius and the Scorpio have a special romantic attraction. I'm not saying that this means that you have to marry your zodiac match or the world will be against you! That's crazy talk... but some people find that they are more compatible with their zodiac matches. I think that Zodiac signs are an interesting topic because a lot of people agree with having a zodiac sign and a lot of people are against zodiac signs. Some people decide that they are so interested in learning more about their zodiac signs that they go to College and University to learn more. There are a lot of information websites about Zodiac signs, and you can learn more about your zodiac sign on these websites also. Here is a website that I recommend to help you learn more about your zodiac sign.
Find out about your zodiac sign -
Don't know what your zodiac sign is? This website has a simple chart to help you figure out what your zodiac sign is.
Now I'm going to be talking about exams. Basically about how exams went for me, and which exam I took.
I was lucky and only ended up taking one exam this year, because I got recommended for English 8. In my school, and most schools, you can not get recommended for Math or Science, because apparently you either know the curriculum or you don't. And if you don't know it, they want you to be getting prepared for the Grade 10 Provincial exam. I think exams are pointless.. but what does my opinion matter! Anyways, you can get recommended for English and Socials. And I did. I had Socials first semester, and when I got recommended I only had to take the Science 8 exam. This semester I only had to take the Math 8 exam, because I got recommended for English 8. It's kind of confusing.. but it makes more sense if you're actually taking the courses. Anyways, the Math exam that I took was pretty difficult. I don't think I did too well on it, but I did study a lot. There was a lot of formulas to memorize and a lot of word problems, which happen to be my greatest weakness when it comes to Math. And they always have been. In Math, Algebra is where I excel. I'm rather good at figuring out what 'n' is and figuring out problems by multiplying and dividing. Luckily for me, a pretty large percentage of the math exam was algebra. I was doing pretty good at the beginning, but then I started getting tired, and my brain was pounding and my brain was also getting tired, so as a result I started slacking. Near the end of the exam I noticed people were leaving, and being me, I didn't take my time. I guessed on atleast three pages towards the end of the exam! I never could have gotten them right though, so it only saved me time. But the whole time I was guessing the answers to these critical questions I couldn't seem to get the quote "You'll always miss 100% of the shots you don't take." out of my head. I'm not sure if guessing on all of the questions counted as 'taking a shot' but it counts for something, right? Anyways, by the time most of my Math 8 class had put their finished exams in the cardboard box and filed neatly out of the gym I was still sitting there, guessing away at answers. Then I got to the last page and I thought "I'm going to fail." So I went back and corrected a couple of algebra answers that I had so stupidly messed up on, and I rushed to the door, plopped my exam in the carboard box, and left. I was relieved, after that exam, I felt as though I could never punch another calculator key in my life! During the exam though, one thought kept me going and that thought was... "Just look at the Grade 9's, their exam must be way harder than ours!"
That's all I have to say about exams and zodiac signs, I hope it wasn't too boring, and maybe you learned something from it. Be sure to check out those websites, I learned some things about myself that I didn't know before just from reading up on my zodiac sign! Until next time, here's a cute quote that I wanted to share.
"Love hurts. Boys lie. Friends cry. People die. Parents yell. You always try. You're never good enough, And you don't know why."
It reminds me of the type of poem that an overly dramatic, depressed teenager would write... but it's still pretty cute. It's short, and to the point. It pretty much explains the only things that a teenage girl cares about in those couple sentences. Pretty amazing when you think about it, that someone can fit so much meaning into such a short quotation. This was not written by anybody famous so I don't have the name of the person who wrote it, but I do know that it was written by a teenage girl on twitter. Who would have guessed, right? Well, I'll talk to you later :)