This is another delayed post that I should have done last week. But, it's pretty much going to be about Lent, which is going on right now, and for those of you who don't know what Lent is..
What is Lent?
Lent is a Christian tradition, and it's basically a period leading up to Easter. The traditional purpose of Lent is preparation of the believer -- through prayer, penitence, almsgiving, and self denial. Conventionally, Lent is described as being 40 days long, though differentdenominations calculate the forty days differently.
What do the forty days represent?
The forty days represent the time that, according to the Bible, (Christian holy book) Jesus spent in the desert before the beginning of his public ministry when he endured temptation by Satan.
Who mainly believes in Lent?
Lent is practiced by many religions, including Lutherans, Methodists, Presbyterians, Anglicans, and Episcopalians.
Fun Fact!
Lent was also traditionally the term used to describe the period leading up to Christmas, but later the term Advent was officially recognized.
Some people, or most. Fast during the time of Lent. I don't know the complete details of fasting, but I know that you don't eat for the complete forty days. There is some rules, about the time of the day.. something like you can't eat all day and then you can eat between two times late at night.. if that makes any sense.
It is also another tradition to give something up for Lent. We used to do this in my elementary school. And, we would have to give up at least one thing but some people gave up more than one. They urge you to give up things like playing on the computer, playing wii, DS, DSi, yelling.. and stuff like that for forty days. I'm giving up two things this Lent. But so far I've only thought of one thing to give up. And that is my dirty habit of biting my nails!! I know it's really gross. But apparently I did it since I was a baby.. and it's really hard to give up. Apparently, if you do something atleast once a day for a complete month.. it officially becomes a habit. And you have to give up doing that thing for another whole month to get rid of the habit. That's just what I heard from my Mom though. Anyways, I'm at school finishing this blog so I have to go! BYE, and I hope this post wasn't too boring!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
My Day- Tuesday
Today was kind of boring. I didn't do anything interesting and Math was really boring. I hate Math. I struggle with it a lot, and it doesn't really help that my Math teacher pretty much sucks at teaching. He doesn't even explain things, he just expects us to know stuff because there's some really smart kids in my class, like Edmond. But that's not what matters, what makes me mad is the really smart kids like Simon, and Scott. Who blurt out the answers. And my teacher thinks that automatically everybody understands it. Then he asks us a bunch of practice ones but they answer those ones too. Then, he moves on to another thing! And, I end up not knowing anything. But being frustrated and having five or more pages full of numbers that make no sense to me! URG! Anyways, the days started out like this.
English: It wasn't too bad. This really annoying guy sat near us today, so I didn't get anything done. And, it wasn't as funny as Friday was, but English is still the only class I look forward to during the day.
French: I don't like French at all, the teacher is okay. But she gives us worksheets and collects them more than months later, and expects us to remember where they are or have them done! Anyways, French was boring today.. I don't even remember what we did, except for some Mid-Term review junk. Because we're going to be doing our French Mid-Term soon.
Mechanics: Mechanics was okay, we pretty much just talked the whole time.. and we drained the oil from our engine. (which is a lawn mower) I was the one who had to reach under the lawn mower and unscrew the drain plug to get the oil out.. and it was pretty gross. But I enjoyed finally doing some hands on work.
Math: As I explained at the beginning, today we just did a bunch of stupid notes that I didn't understand, and tomorrow I have to finish my test that I didn't finish because I don't understand it, I really want to go into Kumon to help me with my Math, but I know what my mom would say "You don't need tutoring, it's only for stupid people..." BLAH BLAH BLAH! But it would be good practice! I'll look into it...
Anyways, I would write more.. because I want to, but my mom has been getting mad at me and telling me to go to bed since I was writing the French paragraph thinggy! Good Night. I'll post something new tomorrow!
English: It wasn't too bad. This really annoying guy sat near us today, so I didn't get anything done. And, it wasn't as funny as Friday was, but English is still the only class I look forward to during the day.
French: I don't like French at all, the teacher is okay. But she gives us worksheets and collects them more than months later, and expects us to remember where they are or have them done! Anyways, French was boring today.. I don't even remember what we did, except for some Mid-Term review junk. Because we're going to be doing our French Mid-Term soon.
Mechanics: Mechanics was okay, we pretty much just talked the whole time.. and we drained the oil from our engine. (which is a lawn mower) I was the one who had to reach under the lawn mower and unscrew the drain plug to get the oil out.. and it was pretty gross. But I enjoyed finally doing some hands on work.
Math: As I explained at the beginning, today we just did a bunch of stupid notes that I didn't understand, and tomorrow I have to finish my test that I didn't finish because I don't understand it, I really want to go into Kumon to help me with my Math, but I know what my mom would say "You don't need tutoring, it's only for stupid people..." BLAH BLAH BLAH! But it would be good practice! I'll look into it...
Anyways, I would write more.. because I want to, but my mom has been getting mad at me and telling me to go to bed since I was writing the French paragraph thinggy! Good Night. I'll post something new tomorrow!
If I say Saul Hudson, who do you think of? Well, you probably don't think of anybody because that name isn't really that much of a known name. But, if I say Slash. You may or may not know who I'm talking about. Slash is a British AND American musician. He plays guitar. Slash is best-known as the former lead guitarist of hard rock band Guns N' Roses, he performed and recorded with this band from 1985-1966. He, later, formed the eponymous Slash's Snakepit and he co-founded Velvet Revolver with some former bandmates. His debut solo album, is going to be released sometime in May of this year. In August of 2009 he was named #2 on the list of the ten Best Electric Guitar Players of All Time!
I am not a very big hard-rock fan. But I was at my friend Kaley's the other day, and we were listening to Guns N' Roses, and I really liked it. She lent me a book called 'SLASH' it's sort of like a biography of his life. And it's really interesting right now. It's kind of funny how much trouble he got into. But it probably wasn't at the time. My friend Kaley is in LOVE with Slash. She said that she would bite off her own thumb to just meet him. Then she said she would give him her thumb and say "Here, dude." LOL, she's crazy!
A list of good Guns N' Roses songs:
- Welcome to the Jungle
- Sweet Child o' Mine
- Paradise City
- It's So Easy
- Anything Goes
Below are a couple pictures of Slash.

I am not a very big hard-rock fan. But I was at my friend Kaley's the other day, and we were listening to Guns N' Roses, and I really liked it. She lent me a book called 'SLASH' it's sort of like a biography of his life. And it's really interesting right now. It's kind of funny how much trouble he got into. But it probably wasn't at the time. My friend Kaley is in LOVE with Slash. She said that she would bite off her own thumb to just meet him. Then she said she would give him her thumb and say "Here, dude." LOL, she's crazy!
A list of good Guns N' Roses songs:
- Welcome to the Jungle
- Sweet Child o' Mine
- Paradise City
- It's So Easy
- Anything Goes
Below are a couple pictures of Slash.

Sorry, the pictures are a little bit blurry! :) Anyways, I hope this post wasn't too boring. And, I will post more about Slash when his new album comes out!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Another first
Today, I did my paper route for the first time. Well, not really today but this morning more likely! My grandpa picked me up a little earlier than nine, quarter to nine, and I helped him with one of his many paper routes up in College Heights area. When we were done that we came back down to the area where I live and got started on my paper route. I did most of it and it was really fun. The map that shows me which houses to deliver to is really screwed up though. But I am getting paid for lots that are vacant! And by vacant I mean that there is not even a house on the lots. The lots actually probably don't even exist! Anyways, it was really fun. And I can't wait until there is warmer weather and I can bike ride. The thing I like most about delivering the papers is that I get to walk around and get fresh air.. say 'Good Morning' to some people and smile, but most of all it's my first time and it feels like I'm giving back to the community in some way. It's also really fun doing it with my Grandpa. I have a little over 70 papers to deliver. And I'm going to be delivering them Saturday and Thursday.. Saturday I will probably try to leave the house by 8:45 (quarter to nine), but on Thursday I won't be able to do them until after school. I hope that doesn't upset anybody too much. The bad part of the deal is that I'm leaving next Wednesday at lunch time.. So, I'm not going to be able to do my Thursday or Saturday papers. And, I don't want to have to lay it all on my Grandpa. Because he has already helped me a lot. Such as, getting me the route.. AND helping me today! And Monday he's picking me up to go and sign some stuff down at the Citizen. Anyways, I guess I'll just have to find a replacement.. Or do them ahead of time or something. But I don't think that can be done. I might ask my sister Cortni but I don't think she would do it for me. I'm pretty sure she's leaving next week also. Anyways, I'll find someone to take care of it for me! I hope this post wasn't too boring! BYE!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Planning Ahead
This is what my day tomorrow should look like.
I'm going to wake up, then my grandpa is going to pick me up at 9:00 AM. To go and do my paper route for the first time, he's just going to be showing me the roots, and helping me get to know the people and stuff. Then, I am going to come home and hopefully while my mom is getting ready I can go on the computer quick enough to meet my friend, Edmond on facebook. Go to his blog here. Me and my mom are then going to go to my old house on Musa rd. That is still for sale!! And pack up some of the stuff for the kitchen at this house, and bring it here! And then, since this weekend is tecnically the weekend that I'm supposed to be with my Dad he's going to pick me up from my house when me and my mom are finished with the kitchen stuff. And he's going to bring me to our friend Kaley's house for a sleepover, and then after the sleepover, sunday morning, we have a birthday party to go to. At a little girl's house. I'm going with all my sisters. YIPPEE! But I really need to find somewhere in there to fit in some Math studying, and some French drawing and coloring. Anyways, this post is like really short and boring.. because I kind of ran out of things to say.. which rarely ever happens to me. I'm always running my mouth about a bunch of stupid things! Here's a funny picture to make your day, well, atleast I hope it makes your day! Unless you're Edmond, cause it's hard to top Devin's dance today! HAHA!
I'm going to wake up, then my grandpa is going to pick me up at 9:00 AM. To go and do my paper route for the first time, he's just going to be showing me the roots, and helping me get to know the people and stuff. Then, I am going to come home and hopefully while my mom is getting ready I can go on the computer quick enough to meet my friend, Edmond on facebook. Go to his blog here. Me and my mom are then going to go to my old house on Musa rd. That is still for sale!! And pack up some of the stuff for the kitchen at this house, and bring it here! And then, since this weekend is tecnically the weekend that I'm supposed to be with my Dad he's going to pick me up from my house when me and my mom are finished with the kitchen stuff. And he's going to bring me to our friend Kaley's house for a sleepover, and then after the sleepover, sunday morning, we have a birthday party to go to. At a little girl's house. I'm going with all my sisters. YIPPEE! But I really need to find somewhere in there to fit in some Math studying, and some French drawing and coloring. Anyways, this post is like really short and boring.. because I kind of ran out of things to say.. which rarely ever happens to me. I'm always running my mouth about a bunch of stupid things! Here's a funny picture to make your day, well, atleast I hope it makes your day! Unless you're Edmond, cause it's hard to top Devin's dance today! HAHA!
Grab your puffle and come on down!
This is going to be a long post, of pretty much just pictures.. so brace yourselves! :) It's kind of a spin-off of 'My Nerdy Ways' Except this time it is more special because the puffle party on club penguin started on Feb.18th/2010 a day earlier than it was supposed to. But the new furniture catalog did not come out until today, being the 19th, We're still awaiting the grand arrival of the Orange Puffle. Which has been only rumors for a long time.
Try to spot the penguin that appears in all of the pictures because that is my penguin! I'm going to start in the town center!

But this is the night club, decorated in honor of the purple puffle!
Next, I will show you the plaza!
- The pizza parlor is not decorated, I'm going to do a seperate post on the stage but here is the pet shop.
This is where you can buy puffles and furniture for them!
Here are the snow forts, and the special puffle room they added.
-Snow Forts
-Puffle Feeding Room, throw snowballs into their mouths to feed them.
Next, is the ski village.
-The Winter Sport Shop is not decorated, nor the lodge. But the Puffle Show Room, is a special NEW room for members only. Here it is.
Here you can enter your puffle in the show, or get your puffle groomed.
Next, I'll show you the secret underground room, it is not a new room.
Obviously decorated in honor of the black puffle.
-Next are the cove, and the forest!
Decorated in honor of the red puffle.
Decorated in honor of the blue puffle.
Now, I will just show you the rest of the rooms!
- The Beach
-The lighthouse (decorated in honor of the yellow puffle)
In the lighthouse you can get your potrait, or sculpture done by a yellow puffle.
-The Beacon (decorated in honor of the green puffle)
The Golden Feather Pin is hidden in this room, but I will talk about that in my next CP blog.
-The Dock
-The Ice Berg (decorated in honor of the pink puffle)
-The Underground Mine (decorated in honor of the white puffle)
I hope this wasn't too boring. More Club Penguin posts coming soon!
P.S. if you didn't notice. I am the penguin named 'Teagan 53' in every picture!
Try to spot the penguin that appears in all of the pictures because that is my penguin! I'm going to start in the town center!

But this is the night club, decorated in honor of the purple puffle!
Next, I will show you the plaza!
- The pizza parlor is not decorated, I'm going to do a seperate post on the stage but here is the pet shop.
This is where you can buy puffles and furniture for them!
Here are the snow forts, and the special puffle room they added.
-Snow Forts
-Puffle Feeding Room, throw snowballs into their mouths to feed them.
Next, is the ski village.
-The Winter Sport Shop is not decorated, nor the lodge. But the Puffle Show Room, is a special NEW room for members only. Here it is.
Here you can enter your puffle in the show, or get your puffle groomed.
Next, I'll show you the secret underground room, it is not a new room.
Obviously decorated in honor of the black puffle.
-Next are the cove, and the forest!
Decorated in honor of the red puffle.
Decorated in honor of the blue puffle.
Now, I will just show you the rest of the rooms!
- The Beach
-The lighthouse (decorated in honor of the yellow puffle)
In the lighthouse you can get your potrait, or sculpture done by a yellow puffle.
-The Beacon (decorated in honor of the green puffle)
The Golden Feather Pin is hidden in this room, but I will talk about that in my next CP blog.
-The Dock
-The Ice Berg (decorated in honor of the pink puffle)
-The Underground Mine (decorated in honor of the white puffle)
I hope this wasn't too boring. More Club Penguin posts coming soon!
P.S. if you didn't notice. I am the penguin named 'Teagan 53' in every picture!
Today was a pretty boring day for me.. Well, nothing out of the ordinary. I had a lot of laughs thanks to Devin and his dancing! Anyways, here is a breakdown of my day today.
Highlight of the day-- Devin talking about how much he loves a character in our novel!
Gym- Badminton tournament, I think I did really good. My gym teacher is really sexist though. She only picks boys to do the demonstrations for everything and she always picks boys to be goalies in all of our mini games!
English- Hilarious, I didn't have to do any work because I finished it for homework the night before! Devin was hilarious with his dancing and love fetish for Kate (fictional character in a book.)
Math- Horrible, we had a test.. and I did good until it came to GCF and LCM (greatest common factor & least common multiple) I had times tables all over every page.. and i was using my fingers and I think I pretty much got a B. I didn't even finish it though. So, I'm going to be finishing it on Monday!
Mechanics- Mechanics was alright. Me and Arshdeep worked some more on servicing our engine which happens to be a lawnmower. So, we spent the whole class cleaning out the underneath. Until it was to our teachers standards. Which meant scraping it out with a metal thing for the whole class! It was almost sparkling by the time we finished-exaggeration-
Anyways, that is the recap of my day. Not so interesting.. it wasn't too fun. English is the only class during the day that I actually look forward to. It used to be gym, but I lost interest when she decided that girls aren't as good as boys!! :P ! I'm left handed.. I use both sides of my brain to play sports, haha! WAKE UP! Anyways, Bye.
Highlight of the day-- Devin talking about how much he loves a character in our novel!
Gym- Badminton tournament, I think I did really good. My gym teacher is really sexist though. She only picks boys to do the demonstrations for everything and she always picks boys to be goalies in all of our mini games!
English- Hilarious, I didn't have to do any work because I finished it for homework the night before! Devin was hilarious with his dancing and love fetish for Kate (fictional character in a book.)
Math- Horrible, we had a test.. and I did good until it came to GCF and LCM (greatest common factor & least common multiple) I had times tables all over every page.. and i was using my fingers and I think I pretty much got a B. I didn't even finish it though. So, I'm going to be finishing it on Monday!
Mechanics- Mechanics was alright. Me and Arshdeep worked some more on servicing our engine which happens to be a lawnmower. So, we spent the whole class cleaning out the underneath. Until it was to our teachers standards. Which meant scraping it out with a metal thing for the whole class! It was almost sparkling by the time we finished-exaggeration-
Anyways, that is the recap of my day. Not so interesting.. it wasn't too fun. English is the only class during the day that I actually look forward to. It used to be gym, but I lost interest when she decided that girls aren't as good as boys!! :P ! I'm left handed.. I use both sides of my brain to play sports, haha! WAKE UP! Anyways, Bye.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Asian Quiz :/
I thought that this survey could be fun, since my friend Edmond, and he recommended that I copy and paste it, and answer the questions. I'll X out the statements that are true, and leave all the false ones blank.
[ ] Both of your parents are from Asia
[ ] You were born in Asia
[ ] You use the term "Azn"
[ ] You think DDR is cool
[ ] You've watched lots of anime
[ ] You like Korean drama... ADDICTED
[x] You have stuff hanging on your phone
[ ] Your parents want you to marry within your own race
[ ] You eat rice almost everyday
[ ] You drink lemon tea
X's so far: 1
[x] You style your hair
[x] You have a bebo/myspace/friendster
[x] You speak languages other than English
[ ] Your parents are strict compared to other REALLY asian parents
[x] Your parents have high expectations of you
[x] You always get A's/B's on your report[ ] You like Chemistry/Biology/Physics/ Accounting
[ ] You know your multiplication table
[x] You play badminton or table tennis
[ ] You've seen the asian version The ring/The grudge
X's so far: 7
[x] You go/want to go to a university and would NEVER consider an apprenticeship
[x] You own an asian car (Honda, Toyota, etc)
[x] You're not the only child
[x] You've gotten little red envelopes around February
[x] You know the difference between kung fu, karate and tae kwan do
[ ] (If you're a girl)You prefer white guys over asian guys
[ ] Your mother tries to bargain even though the product is already discounted
[ ] You can do the rubiks cube
[x] You have a box of noodles somewhere in your house
[x] You play video games
X's so far: 15
[x] Everytime you're going out your parents ask you where you're going and what time you'll be home
[x] You have karaoke at home
[ ] You know BOA/Gazette/Ayumi Hamasaki/Gackt
[ ] You've been to a LAN more than 3 times
[x] You have incense sticks/moth balls in your house
[x] You own a gaming console
[x] You play a musical instrument
[x] You don't wear shoes in your house
[x] You can use chopsticks
[x] You get nothing if you do well in school
X's so far: 23
[x] Your parents won't let you go out if you have school the next day
[ ] You have asian songs on your computer/iPod
[ ] You don't like football
[x] You have a curfew
[ ] You know what ulzzang/tb means
[ ] You know what purikura is
[x-minus the tapioca balls-] You like bubble tea
[x] Your parents bought you shoes many sizes too big so you can "grow into it" and wear it for years to come
[ ] You've played final fantasy
[x] You believe in fortune cookies
X's so far: 28
[x] You know what bok choy is
[ ] You've heard the song "Got rice?"
[ ] You have a tutor
[ ] You've had pockys/yan yan before
[ ] When you seek for your mother's permission she replies "Ask your dad"
total: 29
(29) x 2 = 58
Well, that was interesting!! :D GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE!
[ ] Both of your parents are from Asia
[ ] You were born in Asia
[ ] You use the term "Azn"
[ ] You think DDR is cool
[ ] You've watched lots of anime
[ ] You like Korean drama... ADDICTED
[x] You have stuff hanging on your phone
[ ] Your parents want you to marry within your own race
[ ] You eat rice almost everyday
[ ] You drink lemon tea
X's so far: 1
[x] You style your hair
[x] You have a bebo/myspace/friendster
[x] You speak languages other than English
[ ] Your parents are strict compared to other REALLY asian parents
[x] Your parents have high expectations of you
[x] You always get A's/B's on your report[ ] You like Chemistry/Biology/Physics/
[ ] You know your multiplication table
[x] You play badminton or table tennis
[ ] You've seen the asian version The ring/The grudge
X's so far: 7
[x] You go/want to go to a university and would NEVER consider an apprenticeship
[x] You own an asian car (Honda, Toyota, etc)
[x] You're not the only child
[x] You've gotten little red envelopes around February
[x] You know the difference between kung fu, karate and tae kwan do
[ ] (If you're a girl)You prefer white guys over asian guys
[ ] Your mother tries to bargain even though the product is already discounted
[ ] You can do the rubiks cube
[x] You have a box of noodles somewhere in your house
[x] You play video games
X's so far: 15
[x] Everytime you're going out your parents ask you where you're going and what time you'll be home
[x] You have karaoke at home
[ ] You know BOA/Gazette/Ayumi Hamasaki/Gackt
[ ] You've been to a LAN more than 3 times
[x] You have incense sticks/moth balls in your house
[x] You own a gaming console
[x] You play a musical instrument
[x] You don't wear shoes in your house
[x] You can use chopsticks
[x] You get nothing if you do well in school
X's so far: 23
[x] Your parents won't let you go out if you have school the next day
[ ] You have asian songs on your computer/iPod
[ ] You don't like football
[x] You have a curfew
[ ] You know what ulzzang/tb means
[ ] You know what purikura is
[x-minus the tapioca balls-] You like bubble tea
[x] Your parents bought you shoes many sizes too big so you can "grow into it" and wear it for years to come
[ ] You've played final fantasy
[x] You believe in fortune cookies
X's so far: 28
[x] You know what bok choy is
[ ] You've heard the song "Got rice?"
[ ] You have a tutor
[ ] You've had pockys/yan yan before
[ ] When you seek for your mother's permission she replies "Ask your dad"
total: 29
(29) x 2 = 58
Well, that was interesting!! :D GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE!
Before and After Transformation.
My room is a complete mess.. it is so messy that it pains me that I have to sleep in it every night.. I was thinking of cleaning it, but I didn't want to as it would be too much work. But then I thought about just doing a 'Before and After' post on my Blog. That gave me the enthusiasm to spark up and clean my room! The following is pretty much just pictures. This is what I looked like when I started cleaning...
It was a pretty hard job.. Here's the results:
BEFORE: Laundry Pile
AFTER: Laundry Pile
Big enough transformation for you guys? It gets better yet.
BEFORE: Corner
AFTER: Corner
BEFORE: Wardrobe
AFTER: Wardrobe
BEFORE: Closet
AFTER: Closet
And last, but certainly not least...
It was a pretty hard job.. Here's the results:
BEFORE: Laundry Pile
AFTER: Laundry Pile
Big enough transformation for you guys? It gets better yet.
BEFORE: Corner
AFTER: Corner
BEFORE: Wardrobe
AFTER: Wardrobe
BEFORE: Closet
AFTER: Closet
And last, but certainly not least...
That is me when I FINALLY finished.
The finished product :)
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Airborn-Kenneth Oppel
In English we get a book to read, Airborn was the book that we got. I didn't think too highly of it when I first learned that it was about an airship called the Aurora, as I don't take much interest in airships. Although, it could be fun to ride one. Maybe the idea of reading a book about an airship made me nervous. My first thoughts about the book was that it was going to be both olden day-ish, and stingy. I know your not supposed to judge a book by it's cover.. but this is the cover.
It doesn't look too bad.. but to me it was unappealing. Pretty much, the first impression was not so good.. Until I opened the book. That musty smell that I love in a book lifted off the pages like a bird from an unlatched cage! But, it gets better. I opened the book to the point of both covers touching, and heard that sound.. of the plastic covering on the outside.. crackling ever so slightly! I love the sound of a used book. And, this book didn't even look used because of the plastic covering.. With me I use my 4 scents in this order... First, I smell. Then, I feel. Next, I listen. Last, I look and observe!
Anyways, getting on with it. The book starts out about Matt Cruse, a cabin boy on theAurora he started work on the ship young, right after his father died. He is the only income for his mother, and two sisters (Sylvia, and Isabel) who live in a cramped apartment in Lions gate City (Vancouver). Matt spots an un-charted air balloon one day while working a shift in the crow's nest. They get the gondola abourd the Aurora and the captain is found sprawled on the floor. They think he was having trouble breathing and also suffered from a seizure when he died. Before he died, he spoke to Matt about some beautiful creatures. And mentions something about " Kate would have loved them. " --- A year later, a late passenger arrives on the airship via orinthopter with a batty old chaperone named Ms.Simpkons. The young passenger is very kind, and curious. Her name is Miss Kate De Vries. And, I will leave it at that.
Now, obviously. Kate came back to see what the man had saw. But later in the book we find out that the man in the balloon (Benjamin Molloy) was Kate's grandfather. Kate had come back to learn more about these creatures and prove that her grandfather had not just imagined them. She will not let these creatures go undiscovered.. and she will do anything to get her way!
Hope this post was worth the read! =)
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