Sunday, February 27, 2011

The List

  I was sitting here on the computer with a half hour left until my bedtime racking my mind for a blog post that I can publish quickly before bed when I remembered a certain list that I made last year in Grade Eight at a different school. So, I ran into my bedroom, opened my side table drawer, and reached into the very back to grab a little crumpled up piece of paper. I unfolded the paper and got the idea for this post. So, here it goes. 

  Last year, in grade eight, I was really bored in Math class. So, as I do when I'm bored, I started making a list. That would most likely never be completed. I have plenty of lists. Lists about how I'm going to save and spend my money, lists of what my life will be like after highschool, lists of what I'm going to do when I get home, and this list.. the list of blog posts to do. 

  When I made this list I had planned on writing all of the posts in one weekend. So, I got writing. And this is what the list looked like. 

  Blog Posts to do this weekend.

  Thoughtful Posts:
- My thoughts on Procrastination
- My thoughts on Divorce.
- How to handle an addiction.

  Picture Posts:
- A picture worth a thousand words
- Picture Collection
- Edmond's Origami
- Lemonade Stand preparation
- Hiking
- A day in the sun (I don't know what this was going to be about)

  My opinion Posts:
- High School Crushes
- Cigarettes
- Nail Biting
- Babysitting
- High School drop outs
- Learning Assistance Classes
- Tutors

  Step-by-Step posts (How-to):
- Set up the perfect lemonade stand
- Get the perfect bedroom
- Organize your binder
- Personalize your locker

   As you may have realized if you have followed my blog for a while, I have only actually posted a couple of these and a lot of them are still sitting in the draft box.. poor them. But yeah, I made this list and I passed it to my friend Edmond and asked him to put check mark beside all of the ones he thought I should do. He put a check by nearly all of them. And then, I passed it to my friend Arsh and she didn't check any of them but on the bottom she wrote, "You have no life doing all of these posts in 3 DAYS!" We were very close friends, as you can tell. I folded up the list and put it in the pouch of my Math binder where it stayed until the end of the year when I got home and started emptying my binders. I found the list and tucked it into my bedside table drawer where I thought I would remember it. Since then, I've moved into a different bedroom and the list is still in my bedside drawer but I never forget it. Maybe one day I'll stop being so lazy and do some of those posts, but I'm pretty sure the majority of them need to be crossed off because they're stupid ideas. 

  It's now ten minutes to my bedtime and I'm trying to think what the whole point of this post was. Well, maybe this post will motivate me to finish a couple of those poor old drafted posts. Good Night. :)

Very Interesting Blog Post

Sorry about the misleading title.. this is actually an update post but I'm starting to feel like all I do is updates and posts saying that I'm sorry for the lack of posts so. sorry to disappoint but this is one of those posts. 

  So, since my last post I don't think very much has happened.. Oh. I just checked and my last post was on February 13th. I'll update you on what has happened since then. Well, actually.. I don't know. I've just been going to school and stuff. Today is the 27th of February so at least I didn't leave you guys hanging for over a month. 

  The whole reason (besides my constant procrastination) that I haven't been that active on the computer or my cell phone is, well, two different stories. So, I'll start with the computer predicament. I was on the computer, some day last week or the week before and I was editing a video that my sister was going to enter as an audition for this youtube collab thing when suddenly an error message popped up in the middle of the screen saying something like, "There are other people logged on and running programs on this computer, shutting down may cause them to lose.." Blah Blah Blah. Anyways, being me, I ignored it and didn't really read it (I just know a little bit of what it said because I've had this problem before) so I clicked 'No.' I don't exactly know what I was saying 'No' to, but obviously it was pretty important. So, then the screen went blank and I couldn't hear the annoying whirring of the computer. I looked down to the left of me where the computer was (not the monitor but the computer) and there was my little sister Keera staring up at me holding back an evil smile. She had turned off the computer to make me angry because she thought it was her turn even though it was my turn. I didn't really get mad at her I just kind of shrugged it off and pressed the power button after she ran away to go hide because she knew I would tell my mom, which I didn't. Until, I realized that the computer would not turn back on and I told my Mom that it was broken. I don't exactly remember what happened after that but the computer is still broken today and it feels, literally, like it's been a couple months since the "incident." I haven't been on twitter, facebook, or for however long it's been and I'm on the verge of a mental breakdown. I wasted $40.00 on the membership for bieberfever and now the computer is broken so I can't even get my fair usage out of the website by entering contests and whatnot. Gr. But I'm done ranting about that. Oh yah, I also haven't talked to Edmond since the computer broke and he either thinks I'm dead or I hate him. So, Edmond, if you're reading this.. I'm not dead and I don't hate you. My computer is just broken, and probably not going to get fixed because apparently it's not worth it because it's pretty old and it would have broken soon anyways but yeah.. this is too long. Let's get onto the cell phone predicament.

  I was at school, last week.. or maybe the week before. Again, I don't quite remember because it feels like it's been months. But anyways, I was at school and it was about 3:15 PM. I was waiting for my ride home as I do everyday and I texted Alex saying, "Hi Alex, can you please pick me up?" But, oddly, the message didn't send. I was mad because I thought it was just my stupid blackberry acting up, as it always does. So I ripped the battery out and waited 5 seconds and then put it back in and waiting literally 10 minutes for it to turn on. It usually takes this long because it does all of these weird security checks and just sits there with a blank white screen for like five minutes. Anyways, once it finally turned on I tried re-sending him the same message over 20 times. It STILL didn't work. So I gave up and tried phoning him and it went straight to some Telus recording thing. I tried calling again, the same annoying machine started talking to me again. So I tried listening to it and following a couple of the steps but nothing worked. I finally got REALLY mad and just threw my cell phone to the bottom of my bag and decided I would just wait, and wait, and wait until someone came to pick me up. Eventually I got picked up, I don't even think I waited that long.. maybe 3:30 or 3:45. Somewhere around there. But it's not really relevant to the story so I'll carry on. When I got home I told my Mom and she said something about her phone doing the same thing and then she realized that she hadn't paid the cell phone bill since December. Which means they cut us off.. because she forgot to pay it in January and Febuary or something. So, yeah that's my tragical story about the loss of technology in my life. But, you may be wondering. "Why doesn't she just pay the bill then?" Well, good thing you asked because this leads to another very long explanation that I will explain in the next paragraph..

  The reason she won't pay the bill is because she says, quote, "It's kind of nice having you go to bed on time every night and not being on Twitter all night." But I simply told her the truth and said, "Obviously not having a cell phone doesn't make me go to bed on time. It doesn't change anything." As I said up there (in this post) I am on the verge of a mental FREAK OUT so no, sadly, it does not make me go to sleep any earlier. I just sit there, and lay there, and pace the room (not really) until it's somewhere from.. well, I won't give out times because my Mom reads these posts, and then I fall asleep. It's physically impossible for me to fall asleep before a certain time. Which I will not reveal. But yeah, it's really odd. She also said something about, "If you don't save your money you won't be getting a phone for a long time." I'm guessing she means I have to save up money to pay off the bills every month myself.. Hmm.. I'll think about that. Maybe after I get a job. Possibly. Oh yeah! And then today she said she's kind of liking not having a cell phone herself (hers isn't working either if you didn't clue in on that) and I asked her, "Aren't you like.. DYING!?" And she said, "Nope. I thought I would be. But I'm not. It's kind of nice not having people bother me all the time." I don't remember what I said next. I think I growled quietly. Yah, I do that a lot. 

  So, those are the too very long stories about why I have been completely cut off from the world. The thing I'm most worried about not having a computer is that my WPM will drop majourly, (<-- sorry if I didn't spell that right.. I looked in a dictionary, yeah the book kind, and that word wasn't in there, Sorry) but to prevent that I've been doing this thing called ATRT (all the right type) at school once in a while when I'm waiting for a ride home. It's this typing game and when I sit down and play it I usually wrap the whole game. I'll time myself next time :) Anyways, I think that's all I have to talk about. Okay, Bye! Hope you had fun reading about how hard done by I am right now :( Ha! Just kidding, but seriously. I can't even believe I've survived this long with out a cell phone or computer. And I haven't even seen the director's cut of NSN!!! AHHHH!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Anniversary!

Well, it's really late on a Saturday night and I'm sitting here on the couch watching a lame old Life with Derek re-run drinking iced tea that's too sweet and babysitting.. Not exactly the picture perfect Saturday night but ah well! That's not the point. The point is that this blog has now, officially, been up and running for ONE YEAR! YAY! I'm surprised I haven't abandoned it yet.. kind of. I only abandoned you guys a couple times and the longest time was only a couple months or something, I don't quite remember. I'm not going to make a super long post about my favorite and least favorite posts or anything cheesy like that, I just wanted to say, well, I don't really know what I wanted to say. I just felt like it was required of me to recognize my blog's 1 year anniversary. I've neglected it for too long. I have decided to start making a lot more posts. I'm going to choose a day of the week that isn't too busy and try to make a minimum of 1-2 posts per week. One on the weekend and one during the week. But nobody cares. Anyways, I already have the topic for my next post but it's almost past midnight - scratch that it's 1:08 AM.. I guess it's not my blog's anniversary anymore.. but oh well, it's the thought that counts. This post sucks. My next one will definitely be better. Bye!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Brain Fart.

Yes. Hello. It's been a while. Anyways, I've been thinking about things to write about on my blog all week and I came up with all these ideas.. and then I came home today, Friday, and I sat down on the computer just now, fifteen minutes prior to my bedtime and I've got NOTHING! Absolutely.. nothing. So, I decided that I would quickly jump between a few topics. Starting with an odd project that we did in Mechanics class yesterday..

 On Wednesday in Mechanics my teacher spent two hours talking to us about inventions, and all of the specific steps that lead up to inventions. Starting with a problem/issue, certain circumstances, and leading up to the actual invention. It seemed like a long process, the way he put it at least. I really liked the way he taught it though because he related the teaching to a story about his brother-in-law who had a problem, and decided to fix it with an amazing invention. It was really quite interesting. Anyways! I'm getting off track.. What was I talking about again? Oh yah! So, he told us, 

 "Tomorrow morning you are going to be given one sheet of paper, and 10 cm of scotch tape. With those supplies you will need to construct the highest possible tower that you can." I didn't see how this was going to be possible and I thought he was crazy. At first, I was planning on rolling the paper up into a cylinder type shape and taping the edge where the paper meets and calling it a tower but when I got home I googled the project and it turned out that it wasn't a very uncommon project to be doing in Mechanics class. Oh yes, my teacher also never failed to tell us that only one person in our entire class of 23 students was going to be getting a perfect mark.. being 10/10. I knew it wasn't going to be me. And keep in mind this isn't some motivational story.. I never did get ten out of ten. I ended up with six out of ten. I guess that's the end of my story.. the winner ended up getting 111 cm or something like that, and the next person got 100 or something like that. The teacher also joined in during the last ten minutes (we only got thirty minutes) and he ended up being able to construct a 145 cm tower out of one piece of paper and 10 cm of tape. It was amazing, and really cool because one of the other guidelines was that it wasn't allowed a base such as the floor, a table etc. It had to be standing all on it's own. Anyways, I just thought I'd share that with you. I hope I made sense. I'm pretty tired.

 The next thing I was planning on talking about was my Blog's anniversary which I was notified about yesterday.. by Edmond. Of course, I am not smart enough to realize that. I don't even know how he did. But anyways, Feb. 12th is the One Year Anniversary of my blog. I don't really have anything special planned.. nothing at all actually. I'll have to start thinking about that over this weekend. Alright, onto the next topic which was.. oh yeah! Justin Bieber ;) LOL! 

 As you don't know, my sister Cortni got me two tickets for his advanced screening as Christmas gift. I'm going with her, it's going to be a lot of fun. The advanced screening is basically when you get some Justin Bieber merch, including a NSN (Never Say Never - his movie) themed lanyard, glowstick, and gift bag, a wristband with 'neversaynever justinbieber' printed on it, and purple 3D glasses since the movie is a 3D film and his signature/favorite color is.. of course, purple, and you get to see the movie two days before it is actually released into theaters (February 11th.) Me and Cortni are leaving on the 8th, and get back on the 10th. I'm very excited. Although you may not be able to tell how extremely excited I am because the voice inside my brain is talking in a bored monotone voice which makes my typing come out bored and monotone. Weird, eh?

 Well.. that was my last topic. That makes three, right? Yeah. I think so. I promise next time I'll have an actual topic. Although I don't know what that topic is going to be.. I promise I will have one. It'll probably be something to do with something that nobody cares about. Alright, I'm exhausted. I'm going to bed (which really means I'm going to go downstairs, read for an hour, browse twitter for an hour, get into my pajamas, browse twitter again, and finally fall asleep somewhere around eleven) because I have a strict bedtime which I always follow. Good Night.