Wednesday, July 14, 2010

They come in tens.

Last night I got sent to bed early because apparently I've been staying up too late. So I went to bed around 11:37 PM, and I wrote a bunch of blog posts. I might not use most of them but I decided that I would do these ones for fun. I stayed up until at least 3 AM making blog posts and drawing. So here goes, I am going to be giving you my top ten wishes, and my top ten realistic wishes. Ready? Don't judge. Haha.

 Ten Wishes.
  1. My parents never got divorced.
  2. Dad never quit.
  3. I was dating Justin Bieber.
  4. I looked like Jasmine Villegas.
  5. I was gorgeous (like Jasmine Villegas.)
  6. No more sinning or swearing in the world.
  7. I lived in our old house on Brodman.
  8. Our family was famous (reality show?) 
  9. No more starvation in the world.
  10. No more pollution, no more cars.

 Ten Wishes. (realistic version)
  1. Grow up.
  2. Get rich.
  3. Fall in Love.
  4. Get married.
  5. Travel Lots.
  6. Choose country to live in.
  7. Build a big house.
  8. Have a baby.
  9. Live Happily ever after.
  10. Never ever, EVER, EVER, EVER GET A DIVORCE!!!!!!
 Okay, so maybe that isn't the most realistic wish list, and it's not really a wish list. It's more of an unattainable/dream list. Oh well, it's good to set your standards high. I think. 

Monday, July 12, 2010

Throughout the Years.

 I was looking over all of my old posts tonight, well I guess it's this morning because it's 2:45 AM, and I thought.. "I did a 'how the years change us' post and now I think I should do a 'throughout the years' post." This is basically going to be a picture post. It's not going to be in perfect order. But I'll try to find pictures from way back when. The first one is a picture that you've all seen before.. so here we go :) 

 Me as a baby, I'm not sure how old I was, but it's the youngest picture that I could find of me. I'm sitting on my mom's lap, and she's keeping me tame with some baby food in a plastic cup. 

 Unfortunately, this is the next youngest photo that I can find of myself. I'm not sure how old I was. I'm guessing I was in Grade Four though.. maybe Three. I honestly don't know. 

 I'm pretty sure Keera was going into Grade One in this picture, so I was in Grade Five.

 I'm guessing I was in Grade Six in this picture because me and Brynn were sharing a room, and I had my Zac Efron necklace on. I also still had my blonde streaks. 

 This was Halloween of 2007, so I was in Grade 5 here. I'm either dressed as a Geisha, or Mulan. I don't remember. 

 This was Halloween of 2008. I was in Grade Six here, and I'm dressed as a 70's retro girl, or something like that. 

 This is SUPER small, but I was in Grade Seven, I'm pretty sure. Late Grade Six or early Grade Seven. 

 This is the first latest picture. This was 2010 at my sister's wedding. I'm in the grey dress. My nephew, Kihei, is in the middle. And Brynn is on the right. I was 13 in this picture. I was in Grade Eight. 

 This is a picture of me on the Mount Robson trip. We were coming home on the bus here. This was 2010. I was in Grade Eight. I was 13 years old.

 I hope you liked seeing me 'Throughout the Years.' It just felt like a quick and fun post to do. You should do one too :) I'll try to get together better pictures, one for each of my 13 years on earth! I'll talk to you in my next post. But until then, Bye! :) 

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Typing Test and YouTube.

 There's many different typing tests that you can take online which calculate your WPM. WPM is the abbreviation for 'words per minute,' which is what your typing speed is based on. If you take one of these typing tests, you are usually given a minute to type as many words as you can. Normally, there will be a pre-typed paragraph for you to type, below. A 'word' on these typing tests is usually counted as four characters (letters) including the spaces in between. The average typing speed has to been said to be around 30-34 WPM. If you're getting above that, it's awesome! Some of these typing tests will show you how many hours of typing you will save with your WPM, if you're typing on average, 10 hours a week. I took one of these typing tests and got 93 WPM, the next time I tried I got 94 WPM, and the last time I tried I got 103 WPM. I'm going to settle for that. Until Edmond catches up ;) Anyways, below are some links to some of the more frequently used typing test websites. 

 This is the one I used --
I like this one because you can choose the amount of time, I usually do a minute, and you get to choose the subject that you are typing on. You should take the test and leave your WPM as a comment on this post :) I also like this website because it shows you how many hours of typing you would save per week if you were typing an average of ten minutes per week. 

 That's all I have to say about typing tests, now I'm going to talk about youtube.

 I think that youtube is a great website because it can bring people together. There are very distinct genres of videos when you're online youtube. This is what I classify them as. Tech Geeks, Artists, Musicians, Dancers, Beauty Gurus, Miscellaneous, Businesses, Entertainment and Vlogs. I'll give you a quick description as to what each of these genres is, from my point of view.

 Tech Geeks- People make videos to show all of their gadgets. They do videos such as reviews, unboxings, tutorials, and tours of their 'geeky' desks. Some of the most common reviewed and unboxed items on these channels are electronics such as laptops, computers, phones, and more. 

 Artists- These people make videos of themselves painting, drawing, sculpting, or just doing anything art related. I've seen videos of these people drawing portraits or just plain drawing, but they speed it up so that it fits into a 3 minute video. Some of these people do giveaway contests and you can enter for a chance to win a picture that you requested or a picture that they've already created. 

 Musicians- These people post videos of themselves or their bands playing music, or performing. They play all different varieties of instruments and music, and it's really interesting to watch. Some of these musicians even do 'How-To' videos and they teach you how to play and instrument or a certain piece of music through the video. 

 Dancers- These people make videos of themselves or groups of other dancers and themselves dancing, or performing dance. It's interesting to watch, and there are all different types of dancing also. They do 'How-To' videos also. 

 Beauty Gurus- These (mostly girls but not always) people make videos of themselves doing makeup tutorials where they show you how to create a certain makeup look, hair tutorials, reviews, hauls, and more. Most makeup Gurus are found doing two of the most popular tags and these are Room Tours and What's in my Purse? Some Beauty Gurus have become so popular (Allthatglitters21 and juicystar07) that they have had to quit school so that they have time to make more videos. The most popular Beauty Gurus sometimes get sponsored by companies (sometimes even youtube itself) to do reviews on their products. So the company sends them products for free and they do a review (truthfully) from their point of view on what they think of the product. They get to keep the product after. 

 Miscellaneous- This is where I group all of the people that just talk about random things, these people include a little bit of everything and they tend to do a lot of TAGS. They have videos of just random everyday things. 

 Businesses- These are businesses that post videos about updates within their business or store, or they do reviews on the stores products. There's a lot more things they do but I don't tend to follow businesses on youtube. 

 Entertainment- This is where I group all of the people out there who make videos for fun. It's mostly people who are comedians that have become very popular such as nigahiga, shanedawson, pyrobooby, and fred. They are very funny people and they make videos mainly to entertain. These entertainment (as I like to call them) channels are normally just one person. All of the examples that I listed are just one person.

 Vlogs- Vlogs is a word that is short for 'video blogs.' I like to think of these people as the people who are too lazy to make an actual blog so they make 'vlogs' and post them on youtube. These vlogs can be entertaining or serious. Some beauty gurus have two channels, one for beauty and makeup related videos and a, as they like to call it, personal channel for their personal and non beauty related videos. On their personal channel they post what they call vlogs. Talking about their day, and their opinions on things. 

 Anyways, my channel on youtube (teaganjoanparke) fits under the miscellaneous genre. I only have two videos and they are both very different. I have recorded more videos with some friends but unfortunately something happened to my laptop and I can not upload the videos to my laptop. It's not exactly the laptop itself, it's more the battery. I hate Dell. 

 I just wanted to talk about how Youtube benefited the life of a young Canadian boy from Stratford, Ontario. You probably know who it is, he's know as youtube sensation, teen heartthrob, purple ninja, and many more. That's right, it's Justin Bieber. Youtube started Justin's career! Justin grew up below the poverty line and he competed in school competitions, singing. Some of his family members (grandparents) could not make it to one of his most important competitions so he decided to post a couple videos of him singing at the competition so that his family members could see. His videos became more and more popular and he soon had thousand of subscribers! One day Usher stumbled upon this teen sensation's channel and watched a couple of his videos and let Scooter Braun (Justin Bieber's manager) know about him. It took Scooter 48 hours to track Justin down but eventually he called his parents and arranged for him to meet with Usher. Justin sang a cover of Usher's 'You got it bad' to Usher in person and Usher loved it. Justin Timberlake and Usher both wanted to sign Justin, but Justin ended up picking Usher. Justin released his first single 'One Time' on July 7th, 2009. When he released One Time he created a twitter and had over 300,000 followers! Today (July 11th, 2010) he has over 3 million followers on twitter and has released two hit albums. He also won three MMVA awards this year. He is a teen sensation, and Youtube started it out for him. Now kids are inspired to post videos of them singing, dancing, and playing instruments on youtube hoping to be discovered one day. Ellen Degeneres has been searching for young kids with talent and letting them perform on her show. Justin Bieber's rise to fame was very quick and his manager (Scooter Braun) says "Justin Bieber is going to be singing for a very long time."

 I hope you liked this post and sorry for getting a little carried away with the whole thing about Justin Bieber. I've got Bieber Fever pretty bad right now, I'm surprised I could even do a post for you. I'll talk to you later. Bye :)